Thursday, June 5, 2014

Exodus 1-2  Jacob and 11 sons, along with their families went down to Egypt to join Joseph.  The years passed and this family grew into a nation.  When a change in government happened, the group of people know as the Hebrews went from being favored, to being feared.  They were enslaved and afflicted. They multiplied so much that the king ordered the midwives to start killing the male babies.
Shiphrah and Puah  - two women who:
 feared the Lord
 disobeyed the orders of the king
let the boys live
knew the goodness of God
were rewarded by God for their proper fear of Him. 

We live in a time when we may begin to know this kind of challenge to our faith.  When the government orders a bakery owner to violate his own conscience by creating a cake for a same-sex wedding... then we are beginning to see where our nation is headed.  China is known for its one-child policy- where the government will force abortions on any woman pregnant with a second child.
There are nations that kill Christians, just because they are Christians.

Like Shiphrah and Puah, will we fear God more than man?  Will we refuse to do that which is detested in God's sight?  We will if we know the goodness of God and have a proper fear of Him.

Moses is born during this horrible time in the lives of the Hebrews.  He could have been aborted.  He could have died in the Nile.  But, God had a plan for Moses.  An amazing plan that only God could have put together like he did.
Adopted by the king's daughter.
Nursed by his own mother who got paid to tend her own son.
Raised as an Egyptian prince.

Even when Moses took matters into his own hands and murdered a brutal Egyptian slavedriver, God was looking out for him.   Moses fled into the desert and taken into the house of the priest of Midian. Midian - a descendant of Abraham!
Many years later, God would have Moses ready for a mission that he could not even begin to imagine.  He would also have the Hebrews ready for Moses.
verses 23-24 The sons of Israel: sighed because of their bondage and cried out to God.
Look what God did when they cried out:
He heard.
He remembered.
He saw.
He noticed - acknowledged their need. 

He will do the same for us!
Father in Heaven, thank You for the truth of Your Word and the depth of Your love and mercy.
Thank You that we can know You and trust in Your goodness.  When we are challenged with the unrighteousness of this world, help us to be like Shiphrah and Puah,  obedient to You.  When we have trials and are in bondage- whether by others or by our own doing - may we cry out to You and know that You will hear and remember Your promises.  You will see us where we are and acknowledge our need.  You will be our refuge and help.  You will deliver us, for You are Almighty God.   Deliver us from the evil one, O Lord! From lies and deception, from unrighteousness and fear of man.  Fill us with Your Word and Spirit.  May we dwell with You in Your Presence forever through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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