Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Psalms 1-3  As I come to the end of my backward journey through the psalms,  I am thankful for the lessons learned and the Truth that has become anchored in my heart.   "How blessed...." is the one who delights in God's Word, who dwells in these precious pastures and drinks of the living water.  Over and over again the songs of the psalmists have reminded me that God is Good.  He is our refuge and our shield, our help and our strength, our King and our Shepherd.  When we walk in His ways, when we worship and exult Him, and when we trust in His lovingkindness... we are blessed.  This is the main message I have heard throughout the psalms.... but another, contrasting message is clearly given as well:

The wicked will perish.  The enemy will be conquered.  The evil will be judged.  It doesn't matter how strong they are.  It doesn't matter how large their number.  "He who sit in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them..." ( 2:4)  

David and the other psalmists remind us that although we are in the midst of a battle, God will be victorious.  It is in His Hands.  Always.  "But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain." ( v6)   The Eternal King is Jesus Christ, our Lord.  He is seated on the right Hand of the Father and He has been given all authority.  His Kingdom has come.  He rules.  Someday we will see the reality with our eyes, but now we can know it in our hearts.  Righteousness, love, peace, patience, kindness, truth, justice, and grace are signs of His rule and reign.  O Lord, let Your Kingdom come to all the earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.

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