Monday, June 16, 2014

Exodus 16  About a month has passed since the people of Israel left Egypt.   Their supplies are beginning to run low and they begin to fret about having food to eat.   Instead of asking God they grumble against Moses and Aaron.   They had experienced miracle after miracle and yet thought that God would let them die in the wilderness.   Their faith was so small.. and their obedience was about to be tested.

The Lord planned a daily miracle for this group of grumbling Hebrews.  Every day they would have bread from heaven rain down on them.  The purpose of this miracle was that they would "know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt;"  and that they would "see the glory of the Lord". 
The Lord also provided quail in the evenings.  Enough meat for them to be satisfied.  All they had to do was gather the manna in the mornings and the quail in the evenings. But they had to do it according to God's ways:
Only gather the amount needed for the day.
Keep none overnight.
The day before the Sabbath gather 2x as much.
Don't go out to gather on the Sabbath.

For 40 years the Lord provided for His people this way.  Unfortunately they failed to be obedient and they failed to be thankful for His wonderful provisions.

We pray, " Give us this day our daily bread" in accordance with our Lord Jesus' model of prayer.  Just like the Israelites in the wilderness, we are dependent on our Lord to provide.
But do we know that He alone is the giver of Bread?  When we bow our heads before a meal and utter our simple, "Thank You for this food.", are we really thinking about the fact that it is from His Hands that we receive it?
The Hebrews couldn't seem to remember that fact, even though it was such an amazing miracle.  How much less do we remember it, thinking instead of how we had to go to a grocery store, pay money that we earned from a job, that we got by our own wonderful talents and abilities......?
Do we forget that the physical strength to get up and go to work... comes from God?
That the job we have and the money we earn... come from God?
That the food on our table was provided by God... for only He can make a seed planted into dirt turn into grain that we can get nutrition from;  and only He makes that nutrient acceptable to our amazing digestive systems?

Every day of our lives, the LORD, our God, provides us with daily bread.  Physical food.  And yet that is not the most important thing!  John 6:26-40 gives us the Truth about bread.
Jesus says, " Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set His seal."
Believe in Me, Jesus tells them,  " I Am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."
In Exodus 16:4 God says, " Behold, I will rain bread from heaven..."
In John 6:40 Jesus says, " ... behold the Son" and believe in Him... this is the will of the Father!

Father in Heaven,  Hallowed be Your Name.  LORD of all!  Beginning and End.  Eternal and Righteous God.  Giver of life.  May we honor You and bless Your Name forever and ever.  Grant us spiritual wisdom and understanding to know You and the holiness of Your Name.
Allow Your Kingdom to come, Lord,  rule in our lives and in our homes and in our nation.
Help us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness above all else.
May Your will be done - Your will that we behold Jesus, the bread of life, sent from Heaven to give real life; to believe in Him that we may be raised up by Him on the last day.
Give us today our daily bread, Lord.  Physical and spiritual bread.  Give to us according to Your ways. Strengthen us to serve You and obey Your command to love You with all of our hearts and souls and minds; and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Forgive us our sins.
Lead us in Your paths.
Deliver us from all the fiery darts, the lies and tricks of the evil one.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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