Thursday, June 12, 2014

Exodus 13-14

Verses 1-16 - Moses instructs the Israelites to remember this day.  Remember what happened here.
Three times he emphasizes that the LORD delivered them with a "powerful Hand".   Because of this they were to:
Observe the feast of Unleavened bread and Passover. (v6-7)
Use their hands, their foreheads and their mouths to proclaim what the Lord did for them.(v8-9)
Devote the first-born of their animals, sacrificing the male offspring.(v12-13)
Redeem their first-born sons, for they belong to the Lord.(v15)
 Lord, Help us to:
Remember  Your Powerful hand of redemption - to celebrate , to set apart time in our busy lives to just remember what God has done for us.
Remember in daily living - with what we do and what we think and what we say.
Remember with our resources, devoting a portion to the LORD.
Remember with our children, our families - for they are gifts You have given and they belong to You.

 It is God's powerful Hand that has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His Beloved Son!  Remember! It was the same powerful Hand that accomplished redemption for us...the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ- the Only Begotten Son of God.

Verses 17-22  God takes the lead in this exodus from Egypt.  He goes before them with a pillar of cloud by day that led them into the wilderness and a pillar of fire that led them by its light during the night.
The pillar of cloud/fire was a visible sign of God's Presence with the people. When Pharaoh starts his pursuit with his army and chariots, the Lord moves the pillar in between the Israelites and the Egyptian army. He guides and protects.

Chapter 14 details the final message to Pharaoh and the Egyptians - The LORD, God of the Hebrews will be honored! The Egyptians will know that He is the LORD.  The Israelites were still fearful and complained to Moses that they should have stayed in Egypt instead of dying in the wilderness.  Moses said, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish today... The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." ( v13-14)  
They could not save themselves.  They could not move, except the LORD provided a way.  He did what they never could have imagined or asked for - He parted the Red Sea.  They walked through the middle of the sea with water on each side of them like walls.   They watched as the LORD brought the water down upon the Egyptian army.  They saw God fighting for them.  They knew that He had saved them.  Verse 31 " And when Israel saw the great power which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses."

Our heavenly Father, You are LORD! We know that You never change and You never fail.  You are our Redeemer.  You have accomplished our salvation and You fight for us.  How amazing You are!
Let us remember the day that You saved us! The day You delivered us from bondage to sin and self and the enemy, satan.  Oh what a glorious day!  When Jesus took my sins away!!! Let us follow Your lead- let us follow Jesus! To never turn back to slavery, but to walk through the paths of righteousness that are ahead of us.  To fear You and to believe in You.  For Your honor and glory, forever and ever. Amen.

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