Friday, June 13, 2014

Exodus 15 The people compose a song of praise to the LORD, who has delivered them.  We can take Moses' Words and also sing praises to our God.
The Lord is:
Our strength.
Our song.
Our salvation.
Our God.
A warrior Who fights for us, able to shatter the enemy.
Excellent in His greatness.
Unlike any other.
Majestic in holiness.
Awesome in praises.
A worker of wonders.
He redeems, leads, and guides us in His lovingkindness.
He has purchased us.
He has established us.
He reigns over us forever.
Highly exalt Him!

As Moses leads Israel away from the Red Sea and into the wilderness, they come to a place with no good water. There is a place of bitter water, which they called Marah.  Moses cries out to the Lord and is shown a tree which is thrown into the water and makes the water sweet.
The Lord makes a statute and regulation for them there.
" If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD, your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer."

The Israelites needed to learn that they were absolutely dependent on God.  This is not an easy lesson to learn for any of us, let alone a nation of thousands that had just been freed from 430 years of slavery.  To depend on Him, they needed to trust in Him . They needed to listen to His Word and do what is right in His sight.  They needed to know that He alone would be their healer.

The LORD, our God asks nothing less than this from each of us.
Listen and heed His Word.
Trust and obey His Voice.
Do what is right in HIS sight.

Father in heaven,  Let Your will be done in our lives and in our families.  Help us to walk according to Your Word and do what is right in Your eyes, not our own.  We are absolutely dependent on You for all we need.  For water and for bread, for physical necessities and for spiritual life.  You alone are righteous and we desire to walk in Your righteous ways. Be our strength and our song. Be our salvation and fight for us, once again bringing victory over the enemy.  For the Kingdom is Yours, the Glory is Yours,  and the Power is Yours. Amen.

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