Friday, April 4, 2014

Psalm 33 "Sing for joy in the Lord, O you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright.  Give thanks to the Lord.... sing to Him a new song;"
Father, Your Word is upright - right, perfect, just, straight.
Your work is done "in faithfulness" - in steady, stable, firm, secure Truth.
You love righteousness and justice.
You fill the earth with Your loving-kindness.
You created the heavens and earth with Your Word.  All the stars, all of the seas, every inhabitant.
We stand in awe.
You speak and it is done!!!!!
You command and it is permanent!
You nullify the plans and schemes of nations.
You frustrate the plans of people groups.
Your counsel is forever.
The plans that come from Your heart are for every generation, all of us.
The nation that follows You is blessed.
Gracious Lord,  You look from heaven and see us.
You see every inhabitant of the earth.
You fashion the hearts of all of us.
You understand all of our works.
Kings have armies, but armies can't save them.
Warriors are strong, but strength can't deliver them.
Your eye is on those who fear You. 
You see those who hope for Your loving -kindness, Your merciful, beautiful, favor.
You choose to deliver us from death. 
Father, we wait for You. 
You are our help and our shield.
Our hearts rejoice in You. 
We trust in Your Holy Name. 
Let Your loving-kindness be on us, Lord. 
We hope in You. 

Matthew 22
Jesus is in His last week before His death and resurrection.  His authority has been challenged.  He has let it be known that the kingdom will be taken from those who had usurped it from the True Owner.  He now gives another parable about the Kingdom.
There is a king who has prepared a wedding feast for his son.  The invitations had been sent.   The call is given, for the time of the feast has come.  But, those invited are not willing to come.   They make excuses - they need to farm or do business.  They are annoyed at the slaves who have brought the message and they kill them.
So the king sends his army out and destroys the murderers.  They were unworthy to come to the son's wedding feast.  The king sends out his servants again, going to the main highway, inviting any that are willing to come. Soon the dining hall is filled with people, coming to celebrate with the father.
But, as the father surveys the crowd, he notices a man who came without proper attire.  When the king asks why, the man has no answer.  The king throws him out, bound hand and foot.
Jesus sums up this parable with these words. "For many are called, but few are chosen."
The invitation is given to all.  Some are willing and some are not.  Some are willing to enjoy the feast but not to honor or show respect for what they have been given.

We know that the king is The KING - God the Father.  The son is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Those invited first are the Jews.  But they make excuses.  They are not willing to come to God's Kingdom.
Those invited later, from the highway.. well that would be us.  All of us are invited to come to Jesus.  To celebrate and enjoy the Kingdom that God has prepared.  Many come willingly!
But, there is something more that we must do- we must have a proper attitude of respect and honor.  We must have a proper fear of God.  We must know that we cannot come in our own righteousness - our filthy rags.  We need the garments of righteousness that only can be found in Jesus Christ.  Washed and cleansed by His blood. Made holy by His Spirit.  We must come to Him - His way.  Laying down our own lives, taking up our crosses and following Him.
And it is so worth it! The Kingdom of God is worth everything we must leave behind.  Truly it is, as Paul said, trash, rubbish, loss - in comparison to Christ. To be "found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own, derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith." (Philippians 3:9)

Jesus, I come! Clothe me in Your righteousness, fill me with Your Spirit, and lead me in Your path.

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