Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Matthew 25  Jesus has 3 more examples to share, to illustrate our need to not be mislead or frightened, but to be ready for His coming.

v1-13 The parable of the ten virgins.  The kingdom of heaven, Jesus tells us, is like ten women, waiting for the bridegroom's coming.  Five are foolish and five are prudent (thoughtful, cautious, practical).  They all came with lamps, but only the last five brought sufficient oil for their lamps.  Just as they hear the coming of the bridegroom, did the first five realize their need for more oil.  By the time they were ready, it was too late.
" Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour."
To be ready for His coming, we need to be prepared, we need to be looking ahead, looking for Him.  We won't be able to make any last minute preparations.  Every moment of every day we must be ready.

v14-30  The parable of the talents.   A king goes on a journey.  He calls 3 servants to put them in charge of his assets.  To one he gives  $5000.  To one he gives $3000.  And to the last he gives $1000.
He is gone a long time.  The first servant doubled his money right away.  When the king returns, he gives him $10,000.  The second servant doubled his money also, and gives $6000 back to the king.  The third servant took the $1000 he was given and hid it.  So when the king returns he just gives back what he received.  The reaction of the king is interesting.  He calls the first servant "good and faithful",  gives him a great job promotion and welcomes into a joyful relationship.  He also rewards the second servant in the same way.  But, the third servant loses the $1000, loses his job, and ends up losing his life. The third servant claimed to know his master, that he was "a hard man, reaping what you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed".  But, if he really believed that, then he would have done more than he did.  The master would have been happy with a little interest on his investment... not excuses and lies.
To be ready for His coming, we are to be good and faithful servants, trusting our Master and being trustworthy with all He has given us. 

v31-46  In these verses Jesus gives us a glimpse into the day when He will come to reign .  The first thing He will do is separate all people into two categories.  Those who are blessed of the Father... and those who are not.
The first group are the "righteous".  They fed the hungry , gave water to the thirsty, housed the strangers, clothed the naked, visited the sick and the prisoners.  They acted towards others in a way that Jesus would have. "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of theses brothers of Mine, even to the least of them, you did it to Me."
The second group are the "cursed ones".  They gave nothing to the hungry, nothing to drink to the thirsty, did not invite anyone in, did not clothe any that were naked, never visited any sick or imprisoned ones.  "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me." Jesus tells us.
The righteous go into eternal life.  The cursed go into eternal punishment.
To be ready for our Master, for Jesus, the King of Glory... we are to be righteous, doing what the Father's will; serving those in need. Treating them with love and respect.. giving as if to Jesus Himself. 

Father in Heaven,  lead us in Your paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Make us ready in heart and mind and soul for the coming of our King, Jesus Christ.  Give us open eyes and hearts, ready for His coming.  Give us good and faithful hearts, trusting You fully.  Give us grace to serve others as if we were serving You.  Make us fit for Your coming.  We are poor in spirit and we mourn our failures to serve You and to serve others.  Transform us by the power of Your Spirit in us, we pray. Amen

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