Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Matthew 22 The religious leaders had set out to prove that Jesus had no authority.  Matthew describes 3 groups with 3 questions designed to trap Jesus in His own words.
Question 1 is from the Pharisees and the Herodians,  asking if it is permissible to pay taxes to the Romans.
Question 2 is from the Sadducees, regarding the resurrection.
Question 3 is from a Pharisee who was an expert in the Law.  His question was about the greatest law.
Jesus answers each question directly,  surprising them and correcting them.  They have failed to trap Him, but they also fail to learn from Him.

Verses 15-22 describe the 1st question.  The men come to Jesus and say, "Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any."  But, Jesus knows that they are not coming honestly, they are coming with malice in their hearts.  They are truly hypocrites,  their words are nothing but lies, for if they believed that Jesus was teaching truth they would not be trying to trap Him.   Yet, Jesus gives them an answer for their question.  On the coin is a picture of Caesar.  God has no need for it!  Give to Caesar what is his, Jesus tells them.  But, more importantly, give to God what is God's.  What is God's?  Everything!
Give your life.  Give your obedience.  Give your heart and mind and soul.  Give your love.  Give your praise and thanksgiving.
The men had no response to this, except to go away marveling.

Verses 23-33 give us the Sadducees and their question regarding the resurrection, which they did not believe in.  They pose their question through a story of a woman who is married to 7 different brothers.  Each one dies before children are born. If there was a resurrection, who would she be married to?  Jesus cuts directly to the point.  " You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures or the power of God."  First of all, He tells them, there is no marriage in the resurrection.  More importantly, God is "not the God of the dead but of the living."   God Himself says, "I AM the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."  Not, "I was" but "I AM".   Jesus is quoting from Exodus, where God is speaking to Moses from the burning bush.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were long gone from this earthly life.  God does not make a mistake!  The resurrection is true!
The Sadducees go away silently. The multitudes are astonished.

The third question is covered in verses 34-40.  It is the Pharisees who come up with this one. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"  A direct question is given a direct answer.
"You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind."  Jesus is quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5.  This is not part of the 10 commandments, but comes in Moses' exhortation for Israel after he repeats the commandments, prays for them, and prepares to send them into the promised land.  Jesus goes on to add a second great command, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  This is a quote from Leviticus 19:18, in a section of numerous laws that deal with how people are to treat each other.  Jesus tells them that these two commandments sum up all of the Law and the Prophets.   The Pharisees had added hundreds of traditions and statutes that they considered vital to their religion.  Jesus cuts it down to 2.  Love God.  Love your neighbor.

We are not told of the Pharisee's response, but Jesus turns the tables and asks a question of them.
"What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?"  Direct question gets a direct answer - David.
No brainer.  Except that they really didn't understand what that meant.  Jesus draws them into thinking further , " Then how does David in the Spirit call Him, 'Lord'?"   How would a king, long dead, know a Son, the Messiah, not yet come to earth ?  How could he address Him as Lord?
This was so beyond the comprehension of the Pharisees and Sadducees, the lawyers and the leaders... that they never would ask Him another question. For if they answered that question truthfully, they would have to admit their own failure to believe God's Word.

Father, lead us into all Truth.  Into Your Word, by Your Spirit.  To walk in obedience and faith.  To love You with all we have and with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. To know You more and more. We are Yours Lord. All praise and thanksgiving we give to You. Amen

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