Monday, April 21, 2014

Matthew 26  A plot.  An anointing. A betrayal. And a denial.
 The time has arrived.  Jesus has been warning the disciples of what was going to happen... yet they still are taken by surprise.  He had just taught them about being ready... but they were unprepared for the events that would happen over the next few days.
Kind of like us.  We have been warned that persecution is inevitable, but are caught by surprise when it actually happens.  We are taught that following Christ involves laying down our own rights and our own lives... but are unprepared for the events that come our way that demand just that.   We know that Christ is going to return in all His glory... but we don't live like we expect it to happen any time now.  We are like the disciples in so many ways.

A plot.
The chief priests and elders of Israel plotted to do away with Jesus.  They wanted to do it secretly, so as to not disturb the peace.  Murder was in their hearts.  Fueled by jealousy and envy, they were burning with indignation and anger.  There are those who still plot together to do away with Jesus.  The liberal politicians, scientists, judges, intellectuals, etc.. of our day act just like the Jews in Jesus' day.  Underhandedly plotting to smear His Name, to dismiss Him, ignore Him, and pretend like He never existed.

An anointing.
The woman who came to anoint Jesus with the precious oil seemed to be more aware than the others that the time had come... that what Jesus had told them.... was going to really happen.   She came humbly and lovingly.  She risked her reputation, her resources, and her relationship with others, to show her Lord how much she loved Him.  She endured the criticism by fellow believers to offer her worship from the heart.  Jesus was worth it all to her.  Is He worth it all to us?

A betrayal.
Judas freely chose to strike a bargain with the Jews.  For 30 pieces of silver he would betray his Master and Friend.  His betrayal must have hurt.  Jesus loved Judas.  Even at the moment of betrayal, He called him, "Friend".  Even knowing what was going to happen, Jesus washed Judas' feet at the Passover Supper.   We can be close to Jesus without really knowing Him.  Like Judas, some play the part of a Christian, but there always  comes a time when their true colors show.   Jesus was a way to gain 30 pieces of silver to Judas. Judas missed the Truth and the Life that Jesus could give him, instead taking what ultimately would lead him to his own miserable death.  There are many today who think that Jesus is a way to money or power.  They, like Judas, miss the truth. They, like Judas will die miserably in their sin.

A denial.
Peter was so sure of himself.  He was so sure that he declared, "Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away."   Peter, who could not stay awake an hour while Jesus prayed.   Peter, who impulsively sliced the ear off of a servant.  Peter, who denied 3 times that he even knew who Jesus was.  Peter, who was so sure of his devotion to Jesus, goes out weeping bitterly because he finally realized how poor in spirit he really was.  We can sympathize with Peter, can't we?  We can be encouraged because we know the story... we know that Peter is given another chance.  He is restored by Jesus again.  He goes on to become a great leader of the church.  How many of us are willing to admit that we have also denied Jesus?  That we have said with our mouths that we love Him and will follow Him anywhere... but then turn around and act like we don't even know Him at all.   O that we would also realize our poverty of spirit  and mourn over our denials.

Jesus, Son of David,  have mercy on me!  I want to be more like the woman who anointed Your feet.  To forget all else but my love for You.  Forgive my denials and betrayals of You.  Help me to see clearly and not miss the most important thing - You!  Father, grant me a heart to receive Your Truth and to be fully Yours.  Amen.

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