Thursday, April 10, 2014

Psalm 31  David is being pursued by his enemies, (outer turmoil) torn up by his guilt, ( inner turmoil), and scorned by his community. (surrounded by turmoil).
 He is painfully aware of his poverty of spirit.  But, he also trusts in God, the God of Truth.  This psalm is a model of praise and thanksgiving, supplication,  and worship, giving glory and honor to the Lord:
Lord, You are a refuge to us.
You keep us from being ashamed. (disappointed)
You deliver us in righteousness.
You incline Your ear to us.
You rescue us.
You are a rock of strength.
You are a stronghold of salvation.
You are our rock and fortress.
You lead and guide us for Your Name's sake.
You pull us out of the traps of the enemy.
We can safely commit our spirits to You.
You ransom us.
We trust in You.
We rejoice and are glad in Your loving-kindness.
You see our afflictions.
You know the trouble in our souls.
You do not give us over to the hand of the enemy.
You set our feet on higher ground.
You are gracious to us, Lord.
Even in the worst of circumstances we will put our trust in You.
You are our God.
Our times are in Your Hand.
Deliver us from the hands of enemies and persecutors.
Make Your face shine upon us, Lord!
We call upon You.  Let us not be ashamed.
Your goodness is great!
You are our refuge and You hide us in Your presence.
You make Your loving-kindness marvelous to us.
You hear our voices, crying out for Your help.
You preserve the faithful.
We love You Lord. 
We can be strong and take courage because we hope in You. 

All praise to You, our Heavenly Father, for You alone are worthy.  Gracious and kind God, blessed is Your holy Name.  We desire to walk in these truths of Who You are.  May we know You as David knows You.  May we walk in strength and courage because You are our Hope.

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