Monday, April 28, 2014

Psalm 28   David's prayer, his personal conversation with the "I AM" is recorded here for us to listen in on, to share, to use as our own.
 This past weekend we attended a conference at our church that we call "Journey into Prayer".   This bi-annual conference has been birthed out of our desire to grow in our prayer lives.  This particular module focused on using the Lord's Prayer.  The speaker, Dennis Fuqua,  does a wonderful seminar on this and has written a book entitled "Living Prayer (The Lord's Prayer Alive in you)".  If you ever want to grow in your prayer life, this will help you.   Check out his web site at

So, coming to the Word today and finding a prayer written by David... I'm excited to listen and learn more. Not to David only, but to the Voice of the Shepherd Who is answering the prayer "Lord, teach us to pray." Teach ME to pray.

"To Thee, O Lord, I call."   Prayer is not a list of needs.  It is not a rote recitation of certain words.
It is not one sided.   David is crying out to the One Who rules the universe. To the One Who loves and directs and helps and hears.  David is desperate to hear from God, so cries out to God.  "My Rock, do not be deaf to me, lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit."

David comes to pray with an attitude of absolute dependency and need.  There is no one else who can help. "Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to Thee for help." Supplications= earnest entreaties, real, deep, desperate needs.  He recognizes that he is "poor in spirit".  And in his poverty he cries out to the One Who can fill that need.
David also comes to pray with an attitude of reverence. "When I lift up my hands toward Thy holy sanctuary." The sanctuary is the place that God has chosen to establish His Name. Deuteronomy 12:5, "But you shall seek the Lord at the place which the Lord your God shall choose from all your tribes, to establish His name there for His dwelling, and there you shall come. " To think of the sanctuary was to think of the Holiness of God.
Both of these attitudes are addressed in the Lord's Prayer - "Hallowed be Your Name" and "Give us this day our daily bread".   Our daily prayer is to ask our Father for provisions, for He is the giver of all things... but to, more importantly, seek the honor and glory of His holy Name.

Verses 3-5 are David's prayer regarding the wicked, the unrepentant.  He asks the Lord to:
Keep him away from the wicked.
Judge them and deal with them as they deserve.
Tear down their evil works.
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

Verses 6-8 are David's prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
 He blesses the Lord for hearing and helping him.
 He proclaims the strength and the faithfulness of the Lord.
 He exalts the works of the Lord - giving strength and defending them.

Verse 9 is one last request "Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance; Be their shepherd also and carry them forever."
This is a need that we have also.  We need the Lord to be our every day Shepherd, carrying us through this journey of life. We need His blessing and salvation. We desire His Presence always.
Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

This our prayer today, Father, that Your Name be kept holy and given honor and reverence.  That Your Kingdom be established and expanded.  That Your will be done in our lives.
Give to us today all that we will need to serve Your purposes.
Forgive us for our sins, and lead us in Your paths.  Deliver us from the one who desires to steal, kill, and destroy Your people.
In the Name of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, we pray .

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