Monday, April 7, 2014

Psalm 32  David shares the gospel in this psalm.  The way to blessedness, to the Kingdom of God,  to salvation.
First, we must face the fact that we are sinners.    Sin- offense against God.  Iniquity - perversity, evil. Transgressions - revolt, moral or religious rebellion. We are all guilty.
"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away; through my groaning all day long. For night and day Thy hand was heavy upon me;  my vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer." (v3-4)
All sin will result in pain.  Sin devastates us. 
In David's case, this was adultery and murder.  But, any offense against God's standards will bring about the same ultimate punishment - death. It affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, and of course, spiritually.  People always try to hide their sin.  But they cannot hide its effects.  Drugs, alcohol, medication, or other methods of dulling the pain, like what David experienced,  may work temporarily, but not ultimately.  Some people cover their sins in other ways... work, success, even good deeds.  Trying to make the pain of  their guilt go away.  That is not God's way.

We must acknowledge and confess our sins to God.  " I acknowledged my sin to Thee, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord;'" (v 5)  Acknowledge - see, observe, recognize. We need to see our sin as God sees it.  Recognize that we have offended Almighty God, the Lord and Creator, the Holy One.  We know the evil that lurks in our own hearts, and we must take it out of hiding and show it to God.
We must make a full confession.  The word confess in Hebrew is "yadah". It means to use your hands - to wring them, to bemoan our sins.  To throw or cast out.  It is much more than just the words.. it indicates that we take action.  Repentance is turning away from sin, changing directions.  It is taking action.

Thirdly, we must pray, immediately and always.   " Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found; surely in a flood of great waters they shall not reach him." (v6).  Time is of the essence. The sooner we come to the Lord, the sooner we are released from the effects of sin.  The sooner we are blessed.  The writer of Hebrews quotes David, who in Psalm 95 wrote, "Today if you would hear his voice, Do not harden your hearts..."  When we recognize our sinfulness,  acknowledging that we have offended God, and confessed, with true remorse and mourning over our rebellion... only then will we find what only God can give - forgiveness. This is not a one time thing.  This is a continual, life-long, relationship with our God.  "Pray without ceasing;" Paul writes is I Thessalonians 5:17.  Keep short accounts, as they say.  Keep prayed up, David is telling us, because when the flood comes it will be too late.

And, Oh the greatness of His Grace! 
He forgives, takes away our transgressions. (v1)
He covers our sin.
He does not impute iniquity on us. (v2)
He removes the guilt. (v5)
He becomes our hiding place. (v7)
He preserves us from trouble.
He surrounds us with "songs of deliverance."
He instructs and teaches us the right way to go. (v8)
He counsels us with His "eye upon us".
He surrounds us with His lovingkindness. (v10)
He gives us reason to rejoice, to be glad, and to shout for joy. (v11)
He makes us upright in heart, righteous in His sight.
" How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!" ( v1)

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We all have sinned.  We all have offended God and rebelled against Him.  We are all called to come to Jesus, to acknowledge our sinfulness, our spiritual poverty, "Blessed are the poor in spirit".   We are all called to repent, to confess our sins, "Blessed are those who mourn".  We are all called to believe in the provision of God, redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us - to cover our sin, to remove our iniquity and guilt, to take away our transgressions.  We are called to trust in Him alone.  We are called to "Come".  But we must take action, we must answer the call, in order to enter the Kingdom.

Father, we are like Adam and Eve in the garden, trying to hide our sin from You.  But You know all things.  You know that we are in need of a Savior. Thank You for giving Your only Begotten Son, that we might believe on Him and be saved.  Oh, the wonder of Your Grace!  Thank You for saving me!
Thank You for opening my heart that I might receive the Truth of Your Word.  That I could come to You, acknowledge my sin, confessing my iniquities and finding in You forgiveness.  I pray now, Father that You will also work in the hearts of my loved ones, that they also will received the Truth.
You know their needs Lord. Father, help them to stop hiding their sins and to acknowledge them and confess their need for Your forgiveness.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus,  our Redeemer.  Amen.

1 comment:


    Is it possible to be saved without having your sins forgiven? Was Saul saved by faith alone before his sins were forgiven?

    If Saul was saved on the road to Damascus, then he was saved without having his sins forgiven.

    Saul believed in Jesus on the road Damascus, but his sins were forgiven three days later in Damascus
    Act 9:1-19......9 And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank....

    Saul sins were forgiven in Damascus, three days later, not on the road to Damascus.
    Acts 22:1-16.....10 And I said, 'What shall I do Lord?' And the Lord said to me, 'Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told of all that has been appointed for you to do.'.......16 Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins,calling on His name!

    Saul was not saved by faith only. Saul was saved by believing and being baptized in water.

    Jesus did not establish faith only salvation on the road to Damascus. Jesus confirmed what He already had said "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved"... (Mark 16:16)

    You cannot be saved unless your sins have been forgiven.

    In order to support the doctrine of faith only men have offered many reasons why the Scriptures cannot be trusted.
    1. The Bible is not the inerrant word of God, it has many errors and contradictions.
    2. You have to be a Greek scholar to understand the Bible. If you understand the original Greek language, then you would know water baptism is not essential for forgiveness of sins.
    3. You need to use extra-Biblical writings to understand the plan of salvation.
    4. The Bible has been mistranslated, therefore men are saved by faith only and not the way it is presented in the Bible.

    If God is not smart enough to give men an accurate translation of His plan for salvation and Christian living, then why would anyone trust in Him for salvation or for anything else.

    God has given us His plan of salvation in many translations, in different languages. You do not have to know Greek.You do not have to have a Greek dictionary. You do have to be Greek. If men had to be able to read and understand original Greek to understand the Bible, then all Bibles would be in Greek.


    Men are not saved by faith only and there is no verse of Scripture that states men are saved by faith only. Men are saved by faith, but not by faith only.

