Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Psalm 27  Our God is Trust-worthy!  David's psalm is a testimony of God's faithfulness to him and encouragement for us to also completely trust Him with our whole hearts.

Why can we trust God?
He is light.  Illumination.  Clarity.  With Him there is no "variation or shifting shadow" (James 1:17). Never a hint of darkness.  No wavering of His pure Light!   His Light will never be covered or diminished!  His motives are never questionable.  He is always willing to "cause all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
He is salvation.  Liberty. Deliverance. Prosperity. Safety.   In Him we find shelter.  In His Shelter we find beauty and peace.
We have no reason to fear or dread when we have confidence in our Mighty God.  "Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord." 
He will conceal us in His Presence.
He will set us on higher ground.
He will hear our cries and answer us.
He will never forsake us.
He will teach us His ways.
He will lead us on level paths.

David shows us how to exercise this faith and trust in the Lord.
1. (v. 4)  He prays for the Lord to show him His majesty and beauty.  Ask Yahweh to reveal Himself to you. 
2. Then, he also asks for God to give him opportunity to "meditate in His temple."  To hear, read, memorize, and study the Word of God and then to ponder, personalize, and pray the Word.  To know what God has spoken and to take it in fully - mind, heart, and soul.
3. He sings praises to the Lord. (v6)   Sacrifices of joy.  Offerings of praise.
4. He seeks God's face. (v8).   This is an act of obedience, for God Himself initiates this intimate relationship.  But it also reveals an attitude of humility and love.
5. David believed.  He believed that God would hear him, help him and deliver him.  "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

Father in Heaven,  show us the beauty and majesty of Your holy Name.. of Your character and reputation. Reveal Yourself to us today in a new and fresh way.  That we will not take You for granted or think to You too common or small.  We want to see You and fall at Your feet in awe!
Father, bring Your Words to life in our hearts today.  Let us not just rush through a verse or two, but speak it in a way that it stays with us all the day, leading us to ponder and respond to it. 
Father, we offer You songs of joyful praise today.  We adore You.  You are our Light.  You are our Salvation.  You are worthy of all our worship.  We exalt You and bless Your holy Name. 
Father, we seek Your Face.  Your eyes of grace and love.  Your beauty and glory shining on like the sun.  How precious to think that we are the apple of Your eye! Come nearer Lord!
Father, we believe that we will see Your goodness today.  We give thanks for the goodness You have shown to us already and are grateful that Your treasures of goodness never run out.  That Your mercies are new every morning.  Great is Your faithfulness. 
We pray all these things in the powerful Name of Jesus, that Name above all Names, our precious Redeemer and Lord. 

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