Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Matthew 21  The King comes! Gently, humbly, obediently, and in accordance with prophecy.   Jesus then does what the King, the Son of David, would do....He goes to the temple.  The place that represents God's Presence.  The Holy place where God wanted to meet with His people. The place that was "called a house of prayer".  A place that they had turned into a corrupt market, a "robber's den".   So, Jesus does what David would have done... He casts out the buyers and sellers, the money changers and the dove merchants.  Those who were cheating and stealing from the poorest to add to their own wealth.
And the wealthy, the "first" are indignant.
But, the "last", the poorest, flock to Him.  He heals the blind and the lame.  The children sing to Him.  Prepared praise... perfect, thorough and complete praise comes from the mouths of these infants and babies.  Praise that flows from the heart of the humble and needy.  For the King has come for them. 

Jesus leaves the city to lodge at Bethany for the night and then returns to Jerusalem in the morning.  We are told that He was hungry and went to look at a fig tree.  The tree had leaves but no fruit.  He condemned the tree... to never bare fruit.. ever.  And the tree withered.  The disciples are still amazed by the things that Jesus does.  Their faith has still not matured.  Jesus tells them again about having faith and not doubting.  Cursing a fig tree is nothing, He says,  "but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it shall happen.  And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." 
Have faith - be persuaded, be convicted that Truth is Truth.  That we can rely on Christ.  That we can constantly trust in Him. That He is the King.  He is the Savior, who has come to redeem us.
Don't doubt -  don't separate or withdraw from the Truth. Don't oppose it.  Don't hesitate, or stagger, or waver. Don't differ or contend with it.

Father in Heaven,  I believe that You are able to do all things!  I believe that You have given to us the privilege of prayer.. the opportunity to ask in faith for mountains to be moved and for trees to wither.  For lives to be changed and for hearts to be redeemed.  Your Word is Truth.  Your will is for us to enter into that Truth and live with You eternally.  Blessed Redeemer, Jesus, we thank You for coming in obedience, according to the Word of the Father, to bring us into Your Kingdom.  Remove all doubts, Lord Jesus! Grow our faith!  Make us bold in our praying, that we might glorify the Father and sing Hosannas to You, our King.  Amen.

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