Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Psalm 30  The Lord, Yahweh, the self-existent One, Who has revealed Himself to us, is my God.
 He is my Creator and my King.
 He hears my cries and He heals me.
 He shows favor to me... He delights in me!
 He takes my mourning and turns it to joy.
 He is gracious to me.
 He is my helper.
 He loosens the rags of bondage and dresses me in gladness.
 He rescues me from death and hell.
 So, I will sing praises to the Lord !
I will give thanks to His holy Name!
I will not be silent!
I will give thanks to Him forever!
I will extol Him, giving Him all my praise!

Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  What a wonder... I can echo the words of David, written thousands of years ago... and they are true for me too!  You never change!  Perfect and holy. Kind and  forgiving.  You are my God.  Just like You are David's God.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to me.
Thank You for loving me and caring for me.  Thank You for hearing my cries for help and answering my prayers.  Thank You for healing me and helping me, for setting me free from sin and death and hell.  I praise You!

Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me!  Bless His Holy Name!!!

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