Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Psalm 26 David's prayer starts out rather boldly.... "Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity; and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering."   But, the next statement seems to temper his boldness... " Examine me, O Lord, and try me; test my mind and my heart."

Like David, we may examine ourselves and think we are doing great... but we need to let God be the Judge, to reveal the things in our minds and hearts that we have hidden, even from ourselves.

 Paul wrote about that in I Corinthians 4:3 "But to me it is a very small thing that I should be examined by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself.  For I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet I am not by this acquitted; but the one who examines me is the Lord. "  He goes on to tell us to ".... wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the  darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God" ( v5) 

 That is not to say we shouldn't examine ourselves.. for we are supposed to do that:
Matthew 7:5 "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye..."  Jesus tells those who wish to judge others... examine yourselves first.
I Corinthians 11:28 "But let a man examine himself..." and
II Corinthians 13:5 " Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you - unless you fail the test."

But, we cannot stop there. We must come willingly to the One Who examines with Holy Light.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil." ( Proverbs 3:5-7)

David shares his self-examination with us:
He walked in TRUTH - rather than deceit and pretending. ( v3-4)
He delighted in WORSHIP - rather than in wickedness. (v5-8)
He chose INTEGRITY - rather than bloodshed, wicked schemes, and bribery. (v 9-11)
He would rather be in church than on the board of directors of an evil company.
In the presence of God rather than in the presence of the most powerful, wicked men.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?  But, again, David does not rest on the goodness of his own conscience.  "Redeem me and be gracious to me." (verse 11) David prays.   Right now I'm doing ok - "My foot stands on a level place;"   not facing a mountain or a valley,  not being thrown a curve...
but, not taking that for granted.  Still "poor in spirit".  Still in need of God's grace.

David keeps his eyes on the Lord.  He is trying, but not relying on himself.   It is not all about him and his efforts.. it's all about the Lord, the Mighty God, the King of Heaven, the Holy One of Israel.
It is His Name that is to be honored, therefore David ends his prayer, " In the congregations I shall bless the Lord."

O heavenly Father, let us hear Your voice and seek Your examination of our own hearts and minds.
"Search me, O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." ( Ps. 139:23-24)  Am I, are we, walking in Your Truth?  Do I delight in worshipping You?  Am I choosing integrity over the schemes of this world and the evil one?  Father, I want to walk in Your paths, so I pray that You will lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Let Your will be done in my life and in my family and church.  Reign in us Lord!  Let Your Name be honored and revered in all the earth!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Psalm 27  Our God is Trust-worthy!  David's psalm is a testimony of God's faithfulness to him and encouragement for us to also completely trust Him with our whole hearts.

Why can we trust God?
He is light.  Illumination.  Clarity.  With Him there is no "variation or shifting shadow" (James 1:17). Never a hint of darkness.  No wavering of His pure Light!   His Light will never be covered or diminished!  His motives are never questionable.  He is always willing to "cause all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
He is salvation.  Liberty. Deliverance. Prosperity. Safety.   In Him we find shelter.  In His Shelter we find beauty and peace.
We have no reason to fear or dread when we have confidence in our Mighty God.  "Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord." 
He will conceal us in His Presence.
He will set us on higher ground.
He will hear our cries and answer us.
He will never forsake us.
He will teach us His ways.
He will lead us on level paths.

David shows us how to exercise this faith and trust in the Lord.
1. (v. 4)  He prays for the Lord to show him His majesty and beauty.  Ask Yahweh to reveal Himself to you. 
2. Then, he also asks for God to give him opportunity to "meditate in His temple."  To hear, read, memorize, and study the Word of God and then to ponder, personalize, and pray the Word.  To know what God has spoken and to take it in fully - mind, heart, and soul.
3. He sings praises to the Lord. (v6)   Sacrifices of joy.  Offerings of praise.
4. He seeks God's face. (v8).   This is an act of obedience, for God Himself initiates this intimate relationship.  But it also reveals an attitude of humility and love.
5. David believed.  He believed that God would hear him, help him and deliver him.  "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

Father in Heaven,  show us the beauty and majesty of Your holy Name.. of Your character and reputation. Reveal Yourself to us today in a new and fresh way.  That we will not take You for granted or think to You too common or small.  We want to see You and fall at Your feet in awe!
Father, bring Your Words to life in our hearts today.  Let us not just rush through a verse or two, but speak it in a way that it stays with us all the day, leading us to ponder and respond to it. 
Father, we offer You songs of joyful praise today.  We adore You.  You are our Light.  You are our Salvation.  You are worthy of all our worship.  We exalt You and bless Your holy Name. 
Father, we seek Your Face.  Your eyes of grace and love.  Your beauty and glory shining on like the sun.  How precious to think that we are the apple of Your eye! Come nearer Lord!
Father, we believe that we will see Your goodness today.  We give thanks for the goodness You have shown to us already and are grateful that Your treasures of goodness never run out.  That Your mercies are new every morning.  Great is Your faithfulness. 
We pray all these things in the powerful Name of Jesus, that Name above all Names, our precious Redeemer and Lord. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Psalm 28   David's prayer, his personal conversation with the "I AM" is recorded here for us to listen in on, to share, to use as our own.
 This past weekend we attended a conference at our church that we call "Journey into Prayer".   This bi-annual conference has been birthed out of our desire to grow in our prayer lives.  This particular module focused on using the Lord's Prayer.  The speaker, Dennis Fuqua,  does a wonderful seminar on this and has written a book entitled "Living Prayer (The Lord's Prayer Alive in you)".  If you ever want to grow in your prayer life, this will help you.   Check out his web site at

So, coming to the Word today and finding a prayer written by David... I'm excited to listen and learn more. Not to David only, but to the Voice of the Shepherd Who is answering the prayer "Lord, teach us to pray." Teach ME to pray.

"To Thee, O Lord, I call."   Prayer is not a list of needs.  It is not a rote recitation of certain words.
It is not one sided.   David is crying out to the One Who rules the universe. To the One Who loves and directs and helps and hears.  David is desperate to hear from God, so cries out to God.  "My Rock, do not be deaf to me, lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit."

David comes to pray with an attitude of absolute dependency and need.  There is no one else who can help. "Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to Thee for help." Supplications= earnest entreaties, real, deep, desperate needs.  He recognizes that he is "poor in spirit".  And in his poverty he cries out to the One Who can fill that need.
David also comes to pray with an attitude of reverence. "When I lift up my hands toward Thy holy sanctuary." The sanctuary is the place that God has chosen to establish His Name. Deuteronomy 12:5, "But you shall seek the Lord at the place which the Lord your God shall choose from all your tribes, to establish His name there for His dwelling, and there you shall come. " To think of the sanctuary was to think of the Holiness of God.
Both of these attitudes are addressed in the Lord's Prayer - "Hallowed be Your Name" and "Give us this day our daily bread".   Our daily prayer is to ask our Father for provisions, for He is the giver of all things... but to, more importantly, seek the honor and glory of His holy Name.

Verses 3-5 are David's prayer regarding the wicked, the unrepentant.  He asks the Lord to:
Keep him away from the wicked.
Judge them and deal with them as they deserve.
Tear down their evil works.
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

Verses 6-8 are David's prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
 He blesses the Lord for hearing and helping him.
 He proclaims the strength and the faithfulness of the Lord.
 He exalts the works of the Lord - giving strength and defending them.

Verse 9 is one last request "Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance; Be their shepherd also and carry them forever."
This is a need that we have also.  We need the Lord to be our every day Shepherd, carrying us through this journey of life. We need His blessing and salvation. We desire His Presence always.
Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

This our prayer today, Father, that Your Name be kept holy and given honor and reverence.  That Your Kingdom be established and expanded.  That Your will be done in our lives.
Give to us today all that we will need to serve Your purposes.
Forgive us for our sins, and lead us in Your paths.  Deliver us from the one who desires to steal, kill, and destroy Your people.
In the Name of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, we pray .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Psalm 29 In ascribing to the Lord glory, strength and worship... David gives us a vivid description of the "voice" of God:
His voice "is upon the waters".
His voice thunders.
His voice is powerful.
His voice is majestic.
His voice breaks cedar trees.
His voice shakes mountains.
His voice "hews out flames of fire."
His voice shakes the wilderness.
His voice makes the "deer to calve".
His voice "strips the forest bare."

This is the voice of the Lord, the King of Glory.  The One who reigns forever.  The Lord who gives "strength to His people."  The Lord Who blesses "His people with peace."

The Lord, Yahweh, is the King of kings.  All the "mighty",  all those who are powerful on the earth, must acknowledge and bow before Him.  Glory and strength are His.  No matter what kind of person you are, no matter how powerful or wise, rich or famous.... glory does not belong to you.  Worship the Lord God.. and Him alone.  The voice of the Lord is heard in the crash of thunder.  It is felt in the seismic waves.  His power is experienced by all of nature and all of mankind. (whether we acknowledge it or not!)
And we are commanded to give Him the honor and glory due His Name. 

Father in Heaven,  Almighty God,  Lord and King,  we honor You.  All power and wisdom is Yours.
All of creation has come from You.  Spoken by You.  You are magnificent and beautiful, mighty and strong. You are full of glory!  Always good and always righteous.  You reign over all the heavens and all the earth.  Fill our hearts with understanding of Your Majesty.  That we might truly worship You correctly and fully. Lord, open our eyes that we might see You.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Psalm 30  The Lord, Yahweh, the self-existent One, Who has revealed Himself to us, is my God.
 He is my Creator and my King.
 He hears my cries and He heals me.
 He shows favor to me... He delights in me!
 He takes my mourning and turns it to joy.
 He is gracious to me.
 He is my helper.
 He loosens the rags of bondage and dresses me in gladness.
 He rescues me from death and hell.
 So, I will sing praises to the Lord !
I will give thanks to His holy Name!
I will not be silent!
I will give thanks to Him forever!
I will extol Him, giving Him all my praise!

Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  What a wonder... I can echo the words of David, written thousands of years ago... and they are true for me too!  You never change!  Perfect and holy. Kind and  forgiving.  You are my God.  Just like You are David's God.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to me.
Thank You for loving me and caring for me.  Thank You for hearing my cries for help and answering my prayers.  Thank You for healing me and helping me, for setting me free from sin and death and hell.  I praise You!

Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me!  Bless His Holy Name!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Matthew 27-28  The crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ.  
Chapter 27 starts out with the sad account of Judas, trying to take back what he had done.  We are told that he "felt remorse".  He tried to return the 30 pieces of silver.  The religious leaders offered no help, no counsel, no forgiveness, and no restoration.  They could not help him find his way back to God.  In despair, Judas took things into his own hands.  He threw the silver into the sanctuary and he took his own life.  Although Judas confessed his sin, he found no salvation.  He went to the wrong place for that.  He needed to go to the cross...

The chief priests took the returned silver and purchased a field, "the Potter's field".  This field would be called the "Field of Blood" and would be used to bury strangers. Jeremiah had prophesied this very thing... the priests would have known that prophecy, but even this truth they ignored, so bent on their desire to see Jesus die.

Pilate tries to free Jesus, he knows the hearts of the Jews, and wants nothing to do with this trial. He even washes his hands and proclaims his own innocence of "this Man's blood".   The people foolishly answer that " His blood be on us and on our children!"  Sadly, that is what happens.

The soldiers carry out the crucifixion.  They:
Strip Him.
Put a scarlet robe on Him.
Put a crown of thorns on His head.
Put a reed in His right hand.
Spit on Him.
Mock Him.
Beat Him.
Lead Him away.
And crucify Him.

Jesus refuses the wine mixed with gall.
Resists the temptation to save Himself.
Cries out to the Father.
Yields up His spirit.
His body is removed from the cross.
Buried in Joseph's tomb.
And  He rises on the third day!

The story does not end there.  For Jesus tells His disciples that "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."  Because He has authority, they are to go and make disciples in all the nations! Salvation is made available to all who become disciples of Christ, being baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and observing all that Jesus commanded.

Judas tried to take back his sin. He couldn't.
Pilate tried to proclaim he was innocent. He wasn't.
The chief priests and elders tried to bypass the Truth. They didn't.
The soldiers tried to shame and abuse Jesus. They didn't know what they were doing.

But Jesus did exactly what He said He would do.  He died and He rose again on the third day.
Hebrews 12:2 tells us to fix "our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who of the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
We can't take back our sins. We can't proclaim our own innocence.  We can't create our own truth.
We can only look to Jesus!  Keep fixing your eyes on Him!  He died to pay the price for our sins... and He alone can take them away!  He proclaims us to be blameless and holy, because He has the authority to do so.  He is the author and perfecter of our faith.  He is the Truth!
O Hallelujah What a Savior!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Matthew 26  A plot.  An anointing. A betrayal. And a denial.
 The time has arrived.  Jesus has been warning the disciples of what was going to happen... yet they still are taken by surprise.  He had just taught them about being ready... but they were unprepared for the events that would happen over the next few days.
Kind of like us.  We have been warned that persecution is inevitable, but are caught by surprise when it actually happens.  We are taught that following Christ involves laying down our own rights and our own lives... but are unprepared for the events that come our way that demand just that.   We know that Christ is going to return in all His glory... but we don't live like we expect it to happen any time now.  We are like the disciples in so many ways.

A plot.
The chief priests and elders of Israel plotted to do away with Jesus.  They wanted to do it secretly, so as to not disturb the peace.  Murder was in their hearts.  Fueled by jealousy and envy, they were burning with indignation and anger.  There are those who still plot together to do away with Jesus.  The liberal politicians, scientists, judges, intellectuals, etc.. of our day act just like the Jews in Jesus' day.  Underhandedly plotting to smear His Name, to dismiss Him, ignore Him, and pretend like He never existed.

An anointing.
The woman who came to anoint Jesus with the precious oil seemed to be more aware than the others that the time had come... that what Jesus had told them.... was going to really happen.   She came humbly and lovingly.  She risked her reputation, her resources, and her relationship with others, to show her Lord how much she loved Him.  She endured the criticism by fellow believers to offer her worship from the heart.  Jesus was worth it all to her.  Is He worth it all to us?

A betrayal.
Judas freely chose to strike a bargain with the Jews.  For 30 pieces of silver he would betray his Master and Friend.  His betrayal must have hurt.  Jesus loved Judas.  Even at the moment of betrayal, He called him, "Friend".  Even knowing what was going to happen, Jesus washed Judas' feet at the Passover Supper.   We can be close to Jesus without really knowing Him.  Like Judas, some play the part of a Christian, but there always  comes a time when their true colors show.   Jesus was a way to gain 30 pieces of silver to Judas. Judas missed the Truth and the Life that Jesus could give him, instead taking what ultimately would lead him to his own miserable death.  There are many today who think that Jesus is a way to money or power.  They, like Judas, miss the truth. They, like Judas will die miserably in their sin.

A denial.
Peter was so sure of himself.  He was so sure that he declared, "Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away."   Peter, who could not stay awake an hour while Jesus prayed.   Peter, who impulsively sliced the ear off of a servant.  Peter, who denied 3 times that he even knew who Jesus was.  Peter, who was so sure of his devotion to Jesus, goes out weeping bitterly because he finally realized how poor in spirit he really was.  We can sympathize with Peter, can't we?  We can be encouraged because we know the story... we know that Peter is given another chance.  He is restored by Jesus again.  He goes on to become a great leader of the church.  How many of us are willing to admit that we have also denied Jesus?  That we have said with our mouths that we love Him and will follow Him anywhere... but then turn around and act like we don't even know Him at all.   O that we would also realize our poverty of spirit  and mourn over our denials.

Jesus, Son of David,  have mercy on me!  I want to be more like the woman who anointed Your feet.  To forget all else but my love for You.  Forgive my denials and betrayals of You.  Help me to see clearly and not miss the most important thing - You!  Father, grant me a heart to receive Your Truth and to be fully Yours.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Matthew 25  Jesus has 3 more examples to share, to illustrate our need to not be mislead or frightened, but to be ready for His coming.

v1-13 The parable of the ten virgins.  The kingdom of heaven, Jesus tells us, is like ten women, waiting for the bridegroom's coming.  Five are foolish and five are prudent (thoughtful, cautious, practical).  They all came with lamps, but only the last five brought sufficient oil for their lamps.  Just as they hear the coming of the bridegroom, did the first five realize their need for more oil.  By the time they were ready, it was too late.
" Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour."
To be ready for His coming, we need to be prepared, we need to be looking ahead, looking for Him.  We won't be able to make any last minute preparations.  Every moment of every day we must be ready.

v14-30  The parable of the talents.   A king goes on a journey.  He calls 3 servants to put them in charge of his assets.  To one he gives  $5000.  To one he gives $3000.  And to the last he gives $1000.
He is gone a long time.  The first servant doubled his money right away.  When the king returns, he gives him $10,000.  The second servant doubled his money also, and gives $6000 back to the king.  The third servant took the $1000 he was given and hid it.  So when the king returns he just gives back what he received.  The reaction of the king is interesting.  He calls the first servant "good and faithful",  gives him a great job promotion and welcomes into a joyful relationship.  He also rewards the second servant in the same way.  But, the third servant loses the $1000, loses his job, and ends up losing his life. The third servant claimed to know his master, that he was "a hard man, reaping what you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed".  But, if he really believed that, then he would have done more than he did.  The master would have been happy with a little interest on his investment... not excuses and lies.
To be ready for His coming, we are to be good and faithful servants, trusting our Master and being trustworthy with all He has given us. 

v31-46  In these verses Jesus gives us a glimpse into the day when He will come to reign .  The first thing He will do is separate all people into two categories.  Those who are blessed of the Father... and those who are not.
The first group are the "righteous".  They fed the hungry , gave water to the thirsty, housed the strangers, clothed the naked, visited the sick and the prisoners.  They acted towards others in a way that Jesus would have. "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of theses brothers of Mine, even to the least of them, you did it to Me."
The second group are the "cursed ones".  They gave nothing to the hungry, nothing to drink to the thirsty, did not invite anyone in, did not clothe any that were naked, never visited any sick or imprisoned ones.  "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me." Jesus tells us.
The righteous go into eternal life.  The cursed go into eternal punishment.
To be ready for our Master, for Jesus, the King of Glory... we are to be righteous, doing what the Father's will; serving those in need. Treating them with love and respect.. giving as if to Jesus Himself. 

Father in Heaven,  lead us in Your paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Make us ready in heart and mind and soul for the coming of our King, Jesus Christ.  Give us open eyes and hearts, ready for His coming.  Give us good and faithful hearts, trusting You fully.  Give us grace to serve others as if we were serving You.  Make us fit for Your coming.  We are poor in spirit and we mourn our failures to serve You and to serve others.  Transform us by the power of Your Spirit in us, we pray. Amen

Monday, April 14, 2014

Matthew 24  Jesus, on the last few days of His life, talks to His disciples about the future.  A future which will be marked with tribulation and peril and confusion.  But a future that will end with the coming of the Son of Man to reign forever!
( Now, I am not a theologian, or an expert on prophecy... I write this blog only as a follower of Jesus Christ, listening to my Shepherd's voice as I read and meditate on His Words. These are my thoughts as I seek to hear His Voice.)

As Jesus begins to answer His disciples' question about the coming of the end of the age... He warns us several times to not be mislead. V4-5 "See to it that no one misleads you.... For many will come in My Name saying 'I am the Christ', and will mislead many." And, again in v23-24 "Then, if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ' or 'There He is', do not believe him......For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." 
The second instruction that Jesus gives us is "...see that you are not frightened..." v6
Then He goes on to list a lot of frightening things!  Wars.  And more wars.  Nations against nations.  Kingdoms against kingdoms. Famines.  Earthquakes. Persecution of believers.  Hatred of believers.
False prophets.  Lawlessness.  Loveless people.  And that is just the beginning of the "birth pangs".
A tribulation so great that no one can live through it,  greater than ever before on this planet, is coming.  A tribulation greater than the flood during Noah's days.

But, then Jesus, the Son of Man, will come and cut it off!  We do not know the day or hour.. but this we do know:
v27 "For just as lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."
v30 ".. and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory."
v33 "... when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door."
v37 "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."
v42 "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming."
v44 " For this reason you be ready too; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."

Don't be mislead.
Don't be afraid.
Be ready!

If we are ready... if we know His voice and follow Him, the only authentic Christ....  then and only then will be able to keep from being mislead and frightened.
How can we be ready? "Blessed is that slave who his master finds so doing when he comes." The faithful and sensible slave - the one who does the master's will.  The thoughtful, mindful, careful slave, who endures to the end.  The one who is giving food - giving the Bread of Life - to those under his charge(v45-46), so that the "gospel of the kingdom" is preached in the whole world.  (v14)

Father,  we long to be ready for that day, for we long for the return of Christ, our Lord and Savior.   Help us to be faithful and sensible, doing Your will,  sharing the Word of Truth with those that come into our lives.  May we not be mislead or frightened, but may we be ready, and may we endure to the end, so that we might see You in all of Your Glory! To worship and adore You forever!
Thank You for giving us salvation by Grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man.  It is in His Name we pray.  Amen.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Psalm 31  David is being pursued by his enemies, (outer turmoil) torn up by his guilt, ( inner turmoil), and scorned by his community. (surrounded by turmoil).
 He is painfully aware of his poverty of spirit.  But, he also trusts in God, the God of Truth.  This psalm is a model of praise and thanksgiving, supplication,  and worship, giving glory and honor to the Lord:
Lord, You are a refuge to us.
You keep us from being ashamed. (disappointed)
You deliver us in righteousness.
You incline Your ear to us.
You rescue us.
You are a rock of strength.
You are a stronghold of salvation.
You are our rock and fortress.
You lead and guide us for Your Name's sake.
You pull us out of the traps of the enemy.
We can safely commit our spirits to You.
You ransom us.
We trust in You.
We rejoice and are glad in Your loving-kindness.
You see our afflictions.
You know the trouble in our souls.
You do not give us over to the hand of the enemy.
You set our feet on higher ground.
You are gracious to us, Lord.
Even in the worst of circumstances we will put our trust in You.
You are our God.
Our times are in Your Hand.
Deliver us from the hands of enemies and persecutors.
Make Your face shine upon us, Lord!
We call upon You.  Let us not be ashamed.
Your goodness is great!
You are our refuge and You hide us in Your presence.
You make Your loving-kindness marvelous to us.
You hear our voices, crying out for Your help.
You preserve the faithful.
We love You Lord. 
We can be strong and take courage because we hope in You. 

All praise to You, our Heavenly Father, for You alone are worthy.  Gracious and kind God, blessed is Your holy Name.  We desire to walk in these truths of Who You are.  May we know You as David knows You.  May we walk in strength and courage because You are our Hope.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Matthew 23 Jesus addresses the multitudes one last time,  indicting the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy.  Verse 2 "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses..." They had questioned His authority, but He does not question theirs. They were teachers of the Law.
"therefore all that they tell you, do and observe."  Jesus tells the crowd, "but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things, and do not do them."  They were hypocrites, masked deceivers, and Jesus is unmasking them and exposing their falseness, to themselves as well as to the rest of the people.
Jesus lists their crimes:
v4  They lay heavy burdens on the people but have no mercy.
v5-7 They exalt themselves -  and not God.
v13 They keep men from entering the Kingdom of God
v14 They take advantage of widows and make a show of praying
v15 They go far to make others convert to Judaism, so they can have another notch on their belts.  But they don't bring them to God.
v16-22  They value gold more than God.  They fail to know the true value of the temple, the altar, the offerings, or the Throne of God.  They do not fear God.
v23 They ignore the law's commands for mercy, justice, and faithfulness; but demand tithes on herbs.
v24 They are blind guides.
v25-26 They clean their dishes but not their hearts.
v27-28 They like to look good on the outside, but they are dead and decaying on the inside.
v29-31  They condemn their ancestors for killing the prophets, but they are just as guilty, even worse for they are planning the murder of the Messiah.
v32-36 They are guilty for the past, present, and future persecution of God's servants.

These things break the Lord's heart.  He cries over the failure of Jerusalem to come to Him in truth.
God desires us to have a righteousness that "surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees," (Matt.5:20)
Jesus has modeled that righteousness.  He has taught, over and over again, the primary principles for entering the Kingdom: "But the greatest among you must be your servant. And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted." (v11-12)
There is One Teacher.
There is One Father.
There is One Leader.
God and God alone!
The scribes and Pharisees were guilty of usurping the authority and sovereignty of God.  For that, they were condemned.  Sadly, they remained blind and deaf, refusing to acknowledge the Truth.
Do we?
Do we put burdens on others and offer no help?
Do we exalt ourselves more than God?
Are we stumbling blocks that keep others from entering into God's Kingdom?
Do we neglect, abuse, or take advantage of others, while proclaiming our own self-righteousness?
Do we value our possessions, our wealth, our gifts, more than God?
Do we ignore opportunities for mercy, justice, and faithfulness?
Do we worry more about what others see on the outside than what God sees on the inside?
Do we condemn others and stay blind to our own sinfulness?
Do we break our Lord's heart, too?

Father, search me and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts. If there are hurtful ways in me, Lord, deliver me and lead me in Your everlasting way.   Open my eyes, Lord, to see You, to exalt You, to worship You alone.  You are my Teacher, my Leader, Jesus.  Fill me with Your Spirit that I might walk in Your Light, obedient to Your Word, today and every day.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Matthew 22 The religious leaders had set out to prove that Jesus had no authority.  Matthew describes 3 groups with 3 questions designed to trap Jesus in His own words.
Question 1 is from the Pharisees and the Herodians,  asking if it is permissible to pay taxes to the Romans.
Question 2 is from the Sadducees, regarding the resurrection.
Question 3 is from a Pharisee who was an expert in the Law.  His question was about the greatest law.
Jesus answers each question directly,  surprising them and correcting them.  They have failed to trap Him, but they also fail to learn from Him.

Verses 15-22 describe the 1st question.  The men come to Jesus and say, "Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any."  But, Jesus knows that they are not coming honestly, they are coming with malice in their hearts.  They are truly hypocrites,  their words are nothing but lies, for if they believed that Jesus was teaching truth they would not be trying to trap Him.   Yet, Jesus gives them an answer for their question.  On the coin is a picture of Caesar.  God has no need for it!  Give to Caesar what is his, Jesus tells them.  But, more importantly, give to God what is God's.  What is God's?  Everything!
Give your life.  Give your obedience.  Give your heart and mind and soul.  Give your love.  Give your praise and thanksgiving.
The men had no response to this, except to go away marveling.

Verses 23-33 give us the Sadducees and their question regarding the resurrection, which they did not believe in.  They pose their question through a story of a woman who is married to 7 different brothers.  Each one dies before children are born. If there was a resurrection, who would she be married to?  Jesus cuts directly to the point.  " You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures or the power of God."  First of all, He tells them, there is no marriage in the resurrection.  More importantly, God is "not the God of the dead but of the living."   God Himself says, "I AM the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."  Not, "I was" but "I AM".   Jesus is quoting from Exodus, where God is speaking to Moses from the burning bush.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were long gone from this earthly life.  God does not make a mistake!  The resurrection is true!
The Sadducees go away silently. The multitudes are astonished.

The third question is covered in verses 34-40.  It is the Pharisees who come up with this one. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"  A direct question is given a direct answer.
"You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind."  Jesus is quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5.  This is not part of the 10 commandments, but comes in Moses' exhortation for Israel after he repeats the commandments, prays for them, and prepares to send them into the promised land.  Jesus goes on to add a second great command, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  This is a quote from Leviticus 19:18, in a section of numerous laws that deal with how people are to treat each other.  Jesus tells them that these two commandments sum up all of the Law and the Prophets.   The Pharisees had added hundreds of traditions and statutes that they considered vital to their religion.  Jesus cuts it down to 2.  Love God.  Love your neighbor.

We are not told of the Pharisee's response, but Jesus turns the tables and asks a question of them.
"What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?"  Direct question gets a direct answer - David.
No brainer.  Except that they really didn't understand what that meant.  Jesus draws them into thinking further , " Then how does David in the Spirit call Him, 'Lord'?"   How would a king, long dead, know a Son, the Messiah, not yet come to earth ?  How could he address Him as Lord?
This was so beyond the comprehension of the Pharisees and Sadducees, the lawyers and the leaders... that they never would ask Him another question. For if they answered that question truthfully, they would have to admit their own failure to believe God's Word.

Father, lead us into all Truth.  Into Your Word, by Your Spirit.  To walk in obedience and faith.  To love You with all we have and with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. To know You more and more. We are Yours Lord. All praise and thanksgiving we give to You. Amen

Monday, April 7, 2014

Psalm 32  David shares the gospel in this psalm.  The way to blessedness, to the Kingdom of God,  to salvation.
First, we must face the fact that we are sinners.    Sin- offense against God.  Iniquity - perversity, evil. Transgressions - revolt, moral or religious rebellion. We are all guilty.
"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away; through my groaning all day long. For night and day Thy hand was heavy upon me;  my vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer." (v3-4)
All sin will result in pain.  Sin devastates us. 
In David's case, this was adultery and murder.  But, any offense against God's standards will bring about the same ultimate punishment - death. It affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, and of course, spiritually.  People always try to hide their sin.  But they cannot hide its effects.  Drugs, alcohol, medication, or other methods of dulling the pain, like what David experienced,  may work temporarily, but not ultimately.  Some people cover their sins in other ways... work, success, even good deeds.  Trying to make the pain of  their guilt go away.  That is not God's way.

We must acknowledge and confess our sins to God.  " I acknowledged my sin to Thee, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord;'" (v 5)  Acknowledge - see, observe, recognize. We need to see our sin as God sees it.  Recognize that we have offended Almighty God, the Lord and Creator, the Holy One.  We know the evil that lurks in our own hearts, and we must take it out of hiding and show it to God.
We must make a full confession.  The word confess in Hebrew is "yadah". It means to use your hands - to wring them, to bemoan our sins.  To throw or cast out.  It is much more than just the words.. it indicates that we take action.  Repentance is turning away from sin, changing directions.  It is taking action.

Thirdly, we must pray, immediately and always.   " Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found; surely in a flood of great waters they shall not reach him." (v6).  Time is of the essence. The sooner we come to the Lord, the sooner we are released from the effects of sin.  The sooner we are blessed.  The writer of Hebrews quotes David, who in Psalm 95 wrote, "Today if you would hear his voice, Do not harden your hearts..."  When we recognize our sinfulness,  acknowledging that we have offended God, and confessed, with true remorse and mourning over our rebellion... only then will we find what only God can give - forgiveness. This is not a one time thing.  This is a continual, life-long, relationship with our God.  "Pray without ceasing;" Paul writes is I Thessalonians 5:17.  Keep short accounts, as they say.  Keep prayed up, David is telling us, because when the flood comes it will be too late.

And, Oh the greatness of His Grace! 
He forgives, takes away our transgressions. (v1)
He covers our sin.
He does not impute iniquity on us. (v2)
He removes the guilt. (v5)
He becomes our hiding place. (v7)
He preserves us from trouble.
He surrounds us with "songs of deliverance."
He instructs and teaches us the right way to go. (v8)
He counsels us with His "eye upon us".
He surrounds us with His lovingkindness. (v10)
He gives us reason to rejoice, to be glad, and to shout for joy. (v11)
He makes us upright in heart, righteous in His sight.
" How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!" ( v1)

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We all have sinned.  We all have offended God and rebelled against Him.  We are all called to come to Jesus, to acknowledge our sinfulness, our spiritual poverty, "Blessed are the poor in spirit".   We are all called to repent, to confess our sins, "Blessed are those who mourn".  We are all called to believe in the provision of God, redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us - to cover our sin, to remove our iniquity and guilt, to take away our transgressions.  We are called to trust in Him alone.  We are called to "Come".  But we must take action, we must answer the call, in order to enter the Kingdom.

Father, we are like Adam and Eve in the garden, trying to hide our sin from You.  But You know all things.  You know that we are in need of a Savior. Thank You for giving Your only Begotten Son, that we might believe on Him and be saved.  Oh, the wonder of Your Grace!  Thank You for saving me!
Thank You for opening my heart that I might receive the Truth of Your Word.  That I could come to You, acknowledge my sin, confessing my iniquities and finding in You forgiveness.  I pray now, Father that You will also work in the hearts of my loved ones, that they also will received the Truth.
You know their needs Lord. Father, help them to stop hiding their sins and to acknowledge them and confess their need for Your forgiveness.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus,  our Redeemer.  Amen.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Psalm 33 "Sing for joy in the Lord, O you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright.  Give thanks to the Lord.... sing to Him a new song;"
Father, Your Word is upright - right, perfect, just, straight.
Your work is done "in faithfulness" - in steady, stable, firm, secure Truth.
You love righteousness and justice.
You fill the earth with Your loving-kindness.
You created the heavens and earth with Your Word.  All the stars, all of the seas, every inhabitant.
We stand in awe.
You speak and it is done!!!!!
You command and it is permanent!
You nullify the plans and schemes of nations.
You frustrate the plans of people groups.
Your counsel is forever.
The plans that come from Your heart are for every generation, all of us.
The nation that follows You is blessed.
Gracious Lord,  You look from heaven and see us.
You see every inhabitant of the earth.
You fashion the hearts of all of us.
You understand all of our works.
Kings have armies, but armies can't save them.
Warriors are strong, but strength can't deliver them.
Your eye is on those who fear You. 
You see those who hope for Your loving -kindness, Your merciful, beautiful, favor.
You choose to deliver us from death. 
Father, we wait for You. 
You are our help and our shield.
Our hearts rejoice in You. 
We trust in Your Holy Name. 
Let Your loving-kindness be on us, Lord. 
We hope in You. 

Matthew 22
Jesus is in His last week before His death and resurrection.  His authority has been challenged.  He has let it be known that the kingdom will be taken from those who had usurped it from the True Owner.  He now gives another parable about the Kingdom.
There is a king who has prepared a wedding feast for his son.  The invitations had been sent.   The call is given, for the time of the feast has come.  But, those invited are not willing to come.   They make excuses - they need to farm or do business.  They are annoyed at the slaves who have brought the message and they kill them.
So the king sends his army out and destroys the murderers.  They were unworthy to come to the son's wedding feast.  The king sends out his servants again, going to the main highway, inviting any that are willing to come. Soon the dining hall is filled with people, coming to celebrate with the father.
But, as the father surveys the crowd, he notices a man who came without proper attire.  When the king asks why, the man has no answer.  The king throws him out, bound hand and foot.
Jesus sums up this parable with these words. "For many are called, but few are chosen."
The invitation is given to all.  Some are willing and some are not.  Some are willing to enjoy the feast but not to honor or show respect for what they have been given.

We know that the king is The KING - God the Father.  The son is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Those invited first are the Jews.  But they make excuses.  They are not willing to come to God's Kingdom.
Those invited later, from the highway.. well that would be us.  All of us are invited to come to Jesus.  To celebrate and enjoy the Kingdom that God has prepared.  Many come willingly!
But, there is something more that we must do- we must have a proper attitude of respect and honor.  We must have a proper fear of God.  We must know that we cannot come in our own righteousness - our filthy rags.  We need the garments of righteousness that only can be found in Jesus Christ.  Washed and cleansed by His blood. Made holy by His Spirit.  We must come to Him - His way.  Laying down our own lives, taking up our crosses and following Him.
And it is so worth it! The Kingdom of God is worth everything we must leave behind.  Truly it is, as Paul said, trash, rubbish, loss - in comparison to Christ. To be "found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own, derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith." (Philippians 3:9)

Jesus, I come! Clothe me in Your righteousness, fill me with Your Spirit, and lead me in Your path.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Matthew 21.  Jesus returns to the temple to teach the day after He had cleansed it.  While He is teaching the chief priests and elders come to question His source of authority.  Authority - ability, privilege, capacity, freedom, mastery, delegated influence.  Jesus will tell His disciples later, after His resurrection that, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." ( Matt. 28:18).  It is a fulfillment of the prophecy, the plan of the Father from eternity.  Daniel had a vision about it: 

 "I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him.  And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed." ( Daniel 7:13-14)

Instead of answering the question directly, Jesus asks a question of His own.  He asks about the authority of John the Baptist- was his baptism from heaven or from man?   They could not answer his question for they feared the people's reactions if they said it was from man,  and they couldn't admit it was from God, for they would condemn themselves for not believing.   They would not act any differently towards Jesus' answer about His own authority.  So, Jesus actually kept them from condemning themselves any more than they already were, by not answering their question.   But, He gives them 2 more parables to help them find the Truth. 

The first parable is about two sons.  The father asks his sons to go to work.  The first one says yes, but doesn't go.  The second one says no,  but "regretted it and went." ( v29-20).  "Which of the two did the will of his father?"  Jesus asks.  They rightly answer that it is the second one.  
The religious leaders are like the first son.  They say the right thing, but they don't do the will of the Father. They don't think they need to repent.  They don't admit they did anything they had to regret. 
The "tax-gatherers and harlots", the known sinners,  are like the second son.  They regretted their sinfulness, they repented and believed, going to John to be baptized, choosing righteousness over sin. 
Both sons had sinned, but only one repented. 

The second parable is about a landowner who plants a vineyard. He builds a wall and a tower and a wine press.. the whole nine yards... and he rents it out to experienced vine-growers.  They worked for him.  He is the owner and the product belongs to him.  They would get a share for their labor, but they don't get to keep it all, it is his. 
However, harvest time comes and the owner sends some of his slaves to pick up the produce.  The vine-growers, having done the work, don't want to pay what is due and beat the first slave, kill the second, and stone the third.  The landowner sends a bigger group and again the vine-growers do the same thing.  Finally, the landowner sends his son to the vineyard, thinking that they would respect him, but they kill him, planning to make the vineyard their own. 
The landowner will not stand for that, he will come and get rid of the "wretches". He will find new vine-growers who will do what is right.  
The chief priests and elders know the right answer.  But they don't like what Jesus has to say next. 
"Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'The stone which the builders rejected, this became the chief corner stone...." 
They were doing the same thing that the vine-growers had done.  The Kingdom of God wasn't theirs, it is God's.  They had ignored, abused, and killed the prophets in the past.  They were going to kill the Son in just a few days.  The Kingdom is going to be taken out of their wretched hands and would be "given to a nation producing the fruit of it." 

If they would believe, if they would "fall on this stone" they would be broken.  But if they refused, they would be crushed and scattered like dust. 

The message that Jesus gives over and over is the same - choose to believe.  Choose to follow Him. Choose to lay down your self, even though it is hard.  For the consequences for not following Him is death,  wretchedness....crushing, eternal, condemnation.

Father, thank You that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! Many have stumbled over the Rock.  They are offended and question His authority.  Who is Jesus that He should point out our sins?  They refuse to believe. They refuse to regret their rebellion. They refuse to do the will of the Father.   But, You have led us to righteousness through faith in Jesus, the Cornerstone.  The Son of God.  The One who has been given dominion forever.  In Him we have been set free from sin and death. O how marvelous is Your grace! You have given us Your Kingdom and attached us to the True Vine that we might bear fruit - precious and wonderful, spiritual fruit - love, joy,  peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.  Thine is the glory and power and dominion, forever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Matthew 21  The King comes! Gently, humbly, obediently, and in accordance with prophecy.   Jesus then does what the King, the Son of David, would do....He goes to the temple.  The place that represents God's Presence.  The Holy place where God wanted to meet with His people. The place that was "called a house of prayer".  A place that they had turned into a corrupt market, a "robber's den".   So, Jesus does what David would have done... He casts out the buyers and sellers, the money changers and the dove merchants.  Those who were cheating and stealing from the poorest to add to their own wealth.
And the wealthy, the "first" are indignant.
But, the "last", the poorest, flock to Him.  He heals the blind and the lame.  The children sing to Him.  Prepared praise... perfect, thorough and complete praise comes from the mouths of these infants and babies.  Praise that flows from the heart of the humble and needy.  For the King has come for them. 

Jesus leaves the city to lodge at Bethany for the night and then returns to Jerusalem in the morning.  We are told that He was hungry and went to look at a fig tree.  The tree had leaves but no fruit.  He condemned the tree... to never bare fruit.. ever.  And the tree withered.  The disciples are still amazed by the things that Jesus does.  Their faith has still not matured.  Jesus tells them again about having faith and not doubting.  Cursing a fig tree is nothing, He says,  "but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it shall happen.  And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." 
Have faith - be persuaded, be convicted that Truth is Truth.  That we can rely on Christ.  That we can constantly trust in Him. That He is the King.  He is the Savior, who has come to redeem us.
Don't doubt -  don't separate or withdraw from the Truth. Don't oppose it.  Don't hesitate, or stagger, or waver. Don't differ or contend with it.

Father in Heaven,  I believe that You are able to do all things!  I believe that You have given to us the privilege of prayer.. the opportunity to ask in faith for mountains to be moved and for trees to wither.  For lives to be changed and for hearts to be redeemed.  Your Word is Truth.  Your will is for us to enter into that Truth and live with You eternally.  Blessed Redeemer, Jesus, we thank You for coming in obedience, according to the Word of the Father, to bring us into Your Kingdom.  Remove all doubts, Lord Jesus! Grow our faith!  Make us bold in our praying, that we might glorify the Father and sing Hosannas to You, our King.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Matthew 20  "Thus the last shall be first and the first last." v16   Jesus is using an illustration of the vineyard owner to show once again that God uses a different accounting system than the world does.  He doesn't favor the richest men.
He doesn't favor the hardest workers or those who work the longest.
He doesn't look at the outside - the temporal, mortal, physical status.
He, instead, gives us Jesus - He is the Standard, the measuring stick, so to speak.
Jesus, the Son of Man, who is going to Jerusalem willingly to be condemned, beaten, and crucified.  Jesus, who will be raised up on the third day.
Jesus, who "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Jesus, who is moved with compassion when He sees our blindness and hears our pleas for mercy.

Last - (greek - eschatos) = farthest,  final ( of place or time), lowest, uttermost
First - (greek - protos) = foremost (in time, place, or order of importance) - before, beginning, best, chief.

The last ones hired by the generous landowner, were those with the lowest rank.  No one wanted to hire them.  The 11th hour, the end of the day, had come.  They had stood and waited... all day long.  They needed work.  They needed money to take care of their families.  They were helpless and hurting.  They were running out of hope.. .but they had not given up.  For they waited.. all day.
Imagine their astonishment when they were paid for a whole day's work!  And even when those who had worked the whole day complained... the landowner's statement, " but I wish to give to this last man the same as you.".. must have floored them!  Who does that?
God does!  The landowner in this story reveals what the kingdom of heaven is like.  What grace!  What generosity !  What mercy!
He comes to the lost, to the lowest, to those farthest away... to those who have been rejected and ignored.  To those without hope and desperate for God to show up.   And He brings us to the front of the line! He gives to us more than we deserve!  He amazes us and defends us.  This is the God we serve!  He really meant it when He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." ( Matthew 5:3)

Oh thank You Lord! You are amazing!  Your grace, Your generosity to us... is astonishing.  You sent Jesus, Your anointed One, to come and die, to give His life as a ransom, the price of our redemption.
Heavenly Father,  You are righteous and loving and kind.  You are our Creator and our Loving Father.  You have chosen us, the least, the last, the lowest.... and You have shown us such generosity,  giving us eternal salvation.  Let Your kingdom come Lord,  this kingdom of generous, wonderful, grace!
Fill our hearts and minds with the fullness of Your Will, with all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Forgive us our sins.  We choose to forgive those who have sinned against us. We don't want to hold on to the things of the past,  those things that weigh us down, and keep us from following You.
Oh Father, keep our minds and hearts from those things that tempt us, from the things that take our eyes off of You.  Those things that make us afraid and anxious , that make us doubt and run away from You. Deliver us from those fiery darts that the evil one hurls at us.  Lead us to Your throne. To Your glorious kingdom.  To Your power and glory.  Fill our hearts with love for You and for Your Word... for one another.  In Jesus' name we pray.  amen.