Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/30/13    "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand."
What exactly are "high praises" ?  To extol His excellence.  To ascribe to Him the Honor and Glory He deserves.   Our mouths are to be instruments of praise to our God.  Our hands are holding a two-edged sword.  In Hebrews that 2-edged sword is the Word of God.   It is an instrument of judgement.  The Word rightly divides the Truth from the lies.  Both of these, the praise and the Word, are powerful instruments - they execute vengeance on nations,  they bring punishment to peoples, they bind kings with chains and nobles with fetters.  This honor has been given to all of God's holy ones.   (Psalm 149: 6-9 ) We see today some evil nations that need the discipline of God's Word, some kings and nobles that need to be bound. They seek to scorn God's Word and bring judgement on the nation.  May God raise up His holy ones to bring His high praises and the Word of God as He desires.
" Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty,
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength,
Ascribe to the Lord, the glory due to His Name
Worship the Lord in holy array
The voice of the Lord is upon the waters
The God of glory thunders,
The Lord is over many waters
The voice of the Lord is powerful
The voice of the Lord is majestic.
The voice of the Lord breaks cedars
Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon
And He makes Lebanon skip like a calf.
And Sirion like a young wild ox
The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve
And strips the forests bare
And in His temple everything says Glory!
The Lord sat as King at the flood
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace"
Psalm 29
Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 25  The Lord speaks judgements on 4 nations, Ammon, Moab,  Edom and Philistia.   In each of the 4 statements, He  first states the reason "Because" of what they said or did, and  "Therefore" to list the consequences.  Because Ammon rejoiced over Israel's falling,  the nation was destroyed.  Because Moab jeered at Israel, it would also be forgotten.  Because Edom acted against Judah, it would be laid waste.  Because Philistia acted in revenge against Israel, God Himself would stretch out His Hand against them.   In each case the world would know that " I am the Lord"

The voice of the Shepherd says to me:
 Just a few chapters ago the warning was about what we look at.  Here the warning focuses on what we say about God's chosen ones, and how we act towards them.   Just reading in the little book " The Imitation of Christ" about not judging or saying things against others, because our "private affections" might cloud our judgement.  We are not always right!   We need to judge and examine ourselves, keeping God as the object of our desires.  " Be careful little mouth what you say!"
Father, may my mouth be full of high praises of You and not low biased judgements of others.  May I rightly speak Your Word. Bring my thoughts and actions captive to obey my King.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/13  Praise the Lord with dancing and singing and playing of timbrel and lyre, the psalmist tells us.  Why?  " For the Lord takes pleasure in His people;"  Ps. 149:4  Does God take pleasure in our worship music?  How many of us would frown at a tambourine?  We are getting used to having guitars, but there was a time when that was offensive.  I know some "modern" churches have dancers.... but not sure if we will ever "progress" that far at my church.  But there in Israel, in the most Holy place, where God placed His Name... they danced and sang and played instruments freely and with gladness and rejoicing! Whatever we do, we are told, do it with all our heart unto God.  May I always sing His praises with joy, knowing that He takes pleasure in .... me!

Ezekiel 24  In stark contrast to songs of joy, the message given to Ezekiel here is full of sorrow.  Write down the date, he is told, because this is it.  Jerusalem is under attack, God's wrath is being poured out.  They are being judged according to their ways and deeds.  They refused His cleansing, so they remain unclean.  Bloody. Rusted. Burned. Permanently.

Ezekiel is personally affected by the next Word he receives from God.  "Son of man, behold, I am about to take from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn, and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come."  He speaks to the people in the morning and then that night his wife dies. In obedience, Ezekiel does what God has told him.  He dresses normally, shows no sign of mourning. Does not cry.   It is such an unusual reaction that the people know that this is a sign for them.  The word of Jerusalem's fall is on its way, and the people with Ezekiel are told that they will act even as Ezekiel.  They will not mourn.  They will not cry. God is taking away " their stronghold, the joy of their pride, the desire of their eyes, and their heart's delight, their sons and daughters"
Until the messenger arrives Ezekiel's mouth is shut.  When it comes about they will know that God is the Lord.

What is the Shepherd speaking to me today?   Like Ezekiel I want to be obedient to what God commands, but sometimes that is SO hard!  How does one not mourn the death of a spouse?  How do you not mourn the death of a nation?  How do we not mourn the sin and rebellion of those who refuse the cleansing God desires to freely give?  They are headed to destruction still loyal to their strongholds, still proud of their false hopes, still delighted in the things their eyes desire.  I have a heavy heart thinking of friends and family that are stubbornly rebelling against God.  They cannot escape the judgement of a Holy God Who will not ignore their sinful ways and deeds.   I have not been commanded yet to stop praying for them, so it is not too late yet.  But I feel the nudging of the Shepherd saying, work, for the night is coming.  God of Grace, send workers into the harvest field.  Jesus, You came to seek and to save the lost.  Will You seek and save these ones I bring to You now?

Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13  I have decided to add a time of praise before the regular Bible study of the day.  A focus point to come into His Presence, to open my heart and ears to hear from the Shepherd.  If anyone ever reads these entries,  I hope you will be blessed.

 Ps. 149:2  "Let Israel be glad in his Maker"   In this Psalm of praise to the Lord this exhortation is given.  Be glad in your Maker.  Maker is the Hebrew word "asah" meaning to do or to make- to accomplish, bring forth, appoint, bear, bestow, have the charge of, deal with, dress, keep, etc.   The Hebrew word for glad is "samach" - to brighten up, be blithe or gleesome, cheer up, be merry or make merry,  rejoice.   Stop and think about this.  Cheer up, celebrate, party... in the One Who knit you together in your mother's womb, Who knew you before the foundation of the world, Who chose you to be His! My Maker is the One Who fashioned the heavens and the earth, Who created the oceans and the mountains in all their wonder.  My Maker is the One Who sent His Son to rescue me when I could not rescue myself.  Rejoice with glee in Him!

Ezekiel 23.  Oholah and Oholibah.  Samaria and Jerusalem.  Sisters that belonged to God.  Sisters who both became harlots.  Lewd, lustful, defiled, and disgusting.  That is His description for the ones He had loved, chosen, cleansed, and blessed.  How did they come to this awful end?  They looked at the "desirable young men"  in their magnificent uniforms, on their beautiful horses, impressive in their power and charm.  They forgot the Lord and cast Him behind their back ( v35).  They defiled His sanctuary and profaned His sabbath.  They killed their own children as sacrifices before idols.
It is these very same men "the desirable" ones, who pass judgement on Oholah and Oholibah.  They disfigure them " They will remove your nose and your ears" ( v. 25)  They strip away their clothes and jewels. (v26) They drink a cup of "horror and desolation".  They will be laughed at and derided, they will be filled with drunkenness and sorrow.  The life of the unfaithful is sad and dark and horrid.

It starts with a look.  I John 2:16 says " For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, in not from the Father, but is from the world."  I remember hearing a message about this years ago.   How the sin of Adam and Eve started this way - " When the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes..." Gen. 3:6 .  And how Jesus conquered these in His time of temptation in the wilderness, looking to the Father instead of the things the devil was showing Him.  

Oh how important that we teach our children and learn ourselves the Truth of the that little song "Be careful little eyes what you see!"   Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Rejoice in your Maker!
Thank You Shepherd, for these Wonderful Words of Life, spoken to my heart today.

Friday, January 25, 2013

1/25/13 Ezekiel 22 
Ezekiel is told to judge Israel, to "cause her to know her abominations"   These are the things that have offended God:
Shedding blood
Making idols
Ill repute
Full of turmoil
Dishonor to parents
Oppression of the aliens
Wronging widows and the fatherless
Despising the holy things of God
Profaning the sabbath
Slandering for the purpose of shedding blood
Committing acts of lewdness
Uncovering their father's nakedness
Humbling women
Committing abominations with the neighbor's wife
Defiling their own daughter-in-law or sister
Taking bribes to shed blood
Injuring a neighbor for gain
Forgetting God

They have become dross.  The impurities found when metal is melted.  The part scooped off and thrown away.  Worthless. Garbage.  Useless.

God goes on to name specific sins of those who have rebelled.
The prophets - Men chosen to speak the Words of God have instead conspired to speak lies.  They devour lives like a lion. They steal the things that are precious and kill those who oppose them.  They whitewash the lies of the politicians.
The priests - Men chosen to serve God, to teach the Word of God, to offer the sacrifices to God.  They are guilty of profaning the things of God, of not even teaching the difference between what is holy and not holy.
The princes - Those appointed to leadership, government, justice.   They are like wolves tearing others apart for dishonest gain.  They use the prophets for there own agendas.
The people - God's people, meant to be light in the darkness, to shine with the Glory of God.  They practice oppression, commit robbery, and wrong those who are poor and needy. They oppress the immigrant without justice.
God found no one to "stand in the gap".  No one who was righteous.  No one to pray, no one to persuade Him not to pour out His wrath.  So His wrath came and consumed them with fire.  Fire that they deserved because of their wickedness.
Are we not guilty of these things in our land?  We must "stand in the gap" for America.  To stand up for righteousness.  To speak the Truth. To teach the difference between right and wrong from God's point of view. To be Light in this darkness.  Spirit of God, strengthen us by Your Almighty power to do the Will of the Father.  Amen

Thursday, January 24, 2013

1/24/13  Ezekiel 21
God draws His sword and Ezekiel is told to weep and groan, to cry out and wail, and to clap his hands.  The response of those listening will be despair.  Their hearts will melt, their spirits will faint, their knees will become weak.   God's sword in this case is the king of Babylon and the time has come for him to strike. The sins of Israel and Judah are being uncovered. ( Nothing is hidden that will not come to light).   He is pouring out His indignation on those who refuse to repent, who have rebelled, who have multiplied their sins. They will have no more kings... " until He comes whose right it is; and I shall give it to Him"

Oh Thanks to God for this phrase added to verse 27!  The King, who has the right to the throne! 
King Jesus has received the throne because He alone is worthy.  Perfect in all His ways!  Obedient unto death.  Worthy to receive honor and glory and power.  Praise to the One Who sits on the throne and to the Lamb! 

There will come another time when God will draw His sword. Judgement will come a final time to all who refuse to repent, who rebel against the One Who sits on the Throne,  who multiply their sins even as Israel did.  God will by no means let the guilty go unpunished. " A ruin, a ruin, a ruin, I shall make it" v27.  Make no mistake at the thinking there are no consequences for unbelief and rebellion against God.  Eternal death will come to those who refuse His gift of salvation.  Yet He offers compassion, forgiveness, love to all who will turn to Him, call on His Name, and receive the redemption purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ.    " For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, declares the Lord God Therefore repent and LIVE"  Ez. 18:32

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23/13   Ezekiel 19-20    The Lord gives Ezekiel 2 more metaphors for Israel.  In the first He compares Israel to a lion which is captured.  In the second He again uses a vine which grows strong and beautiful and fruitful, but then is destroyed by a strong storm and ends up withered and thrown in the fire to be consumed.   So much potential, but it is all thrown away because of their unfaithfulness.

This is a life without God. Full of potential, but ensnared by the nets of sin and thrown into the fire of God's wrath.  And God laments for us.

Chapter 20 is a history lesson for the elders of Israel who come and sit before Ezekiel, wanting him to inquire of God for them.   But God refuses to allow them to inquire of Him.  Instead He reminds them of the sacred covenant that He made with their ancestors, bringing them out of captivity in Egypt and making Himself known to them, declaring Himself their God.  But they rebelled, refused to listen, and clung to their idols.  The current Israelites, sitting before Ezekiel, were as guilty as their fathers.  They were still rebelling, failing to walk in His ways, profaning the Sabbath, and worshiping idols.  He would not listen to them.

But God also gives a promise that one day He would restore Israel.  He will bring them back to the land.  He will "prove Myself holy among you in the sight of the nations" v41.  God will act for His Name's sake. God declares Himself King, a King whose Hand is mighty and whose arm is outstretched. His wrath has been poured out.  The wicked will be purged. Those who will enter the Land will be those who repent, who "loathe yourselves in you own sight for all the evil things you have done" v43.

As Jesus said " Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" Matt. 5:3  Brokenness and humility are needed in repentance.  Turning from rebellion against God, to a heart that is broken before Him because of the sins we have committed. This is what God desires of His people.  This is what He requires of us.  Let us not be like the Israelite elders, who still don't get it!
The Gospel is Good News!   Jesus has already taken upon Himself the punishment for our sins.  We have a new life in Him.   Thank You Jesus.  Repentance is required, to turn from rebellion against God to faith in Jesus Christ.   This is walking His way. This is what brings us into His Kingdom. This is what opens the way for us to  know that God is the Lord.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1/22/13  Ezekiel 18
The Lord makes it very clear to Ezekiel and to Israel that He will judge every individual based on his or her conduct.  One is not judged based on his father's works, good or evil, or on his son's conduct.  What each person does individually is what God looks at and judges. 
God approves of those who do justice and righteousness and gives life to them.  God disapproves of those who do evil and gives death to them.  But He also makes clear that we can not rest on what good we did in the past, nor do we need to continue in unrighteousness.  God looks at our present conduct.  If we were righteous in the past but now have turned away from Him, all  promise of life is lost.  But if we were wicked and repent and turn to Him, He will forgive and give life.
Twice God states that He has no pleasure in the death of anyone wicked.  He would much rather they repent and live.  "Repent and turn away from all your transgressions.... cast away from you all your transgressions... make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!" ( v30-31)   This echoes Isaiah 1:16-17  " Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow."
Even after all that Israel did, all the wickedness: idolatry, oppression, adultery, robbery, usury, etc.  God is calling for repentance so that He can forgive and restore His people.
The people did not think that God was doing things right, but God makes it clear that they were the ones who were wrong.  He is completely just.  He is compassionate and merciful, but He will not let the guilty go unpunished.   "Keep your hand from iniquity and execute true justice." " Practice justice and righteousness".  This is the path to life in the sight of God.  Jesus summed it up for us : "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, You shall Love your neighbor as yourself" Matt. 22:37-39
Peter tells us that God is patient and wants all to come to repentance II Peter 3:9.   He does not want anyone to perish.  This is Ezekiel's message also.  Turn from wickedness and live!  It is never too late to repent.  Thank God for His patience and grace.  Thank You Father that You have offered this gift of repentance to all men and women. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

1/21/13   Ezekiel 17   The Lord gives Ezekiel a riddle, a story to tell.  The eagle comes and takes a twig from the top of a cedar tree.  He plants it and some of the seed of the land, in good soil where it grows well.  It has abundant water and all it needs, but another eagle comes and the plant turns to that eagle.  Because of this the plant is pulled up and withers.

There seems to be two meanings to this parable.  First, it speaks of the captivity of Israel's princes, kings, and the mighty of the land taken to Babylon.  At first they make a covenant with the king of Babylon, but then turn to Pharaoh in Egypt.  This breaking of the covenant brings punishment.  They will die in Babylon and will not escape.

The second meaning is more important.  The covenant is with the Lord God.  When they break their covenant with God by acting unfaithfully the result is judgement.   It is God who took the sprig from a lofty cedar and planted it.  It is He who makes it grow and bear fruit.  It is God who speaks and performs His Word.  And  " all the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD; I bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish"

He is the God of the impossible!  He does what He says and it is not what we expect!  Jesus makes many references that reflect these parables from Ezekiel.  The mustard seed which grows into a tree where the birds nest.  The fig tree which was green with leaves but He cursed because it bore no fruit.  The tree that was not bearing fruit and the vinedresser cares for and gives another year.
God is the One who makes a tree grow.  He makes us grow too.  If we grow lofty, he brings us down.  If we are lowly, He lifts us up.  If we are dry, He makes us flourish.  He is Sovereign!  I thank You Father that when You speak You act.  You do what You say.   God of all grace , You who has called me "to His eternal glory in Christ" strengthen, perfect, confirm, and establish me.  ( I Peter 5:10) To You be all "dominion forever and ever. Amen"

Friday, January 18, 2013

1/18/13  Ezekiel 16
The Lord compares Jerusalem to a woman.  As a newborn baby she was left in a field, the cord not cut, the blood not washed away.  The child of an Amorite father and a Hittite mother. Abandoned to die. Abhorred from the day of her birth. The Amorites were residents of Canaan and obstacles to Israel when they returned from Egypt.  Although Abraham had helped Mamre the Amorite, when Joshua led the people back to the Promised land, the Amorites opposed them. The Hittites were also residents of Canaan.  Abraham lived among them and purchased the tomb for Sarah from Ephron the Hittite.  Israel began in that vicinity, with the birth of Isaac, followed by Jacob and Esau ( who married Hittite women).   But in this strange and foreign land, Abraham's offspring became God's chosen ones.  He gave her life, he made her thrive, He watched her become full grown.

When she was mature, the parable indicates that she was naked and bare. Then God once again intervenes for her.  He covers her, clothes her, cleans her, anoints her, adorns her, feeds her and makes her beautiful, a royal princess.  He made a covenant with her.  A marriage covenant that made her His own.  She had everything!  But....

She trusted in her beauty and fame.. and played the harlot.  She took all that God, her Husband, had provided and used it for idolatry.   Her beautiful clothes she used for high places, her gold and silver, that He gave her were turned into male images.  She offered His oil and incense to these and covered them with the embroidered cloth He had provided.  His bread was given to the false idols.  But worst of all that she did was that she took His sons and daughters and sacrificed them to the idols. Slaughtering His children!

Her wickedness grew and grew.  She forgot that she had started out an orphan and had become a princess.  She was so wicked and sick that she paid others to sleep with her, lower than a prostitute who gets money from those she entices.  There would be no more mercy.  The time for judgement had come.  And it would come from the very hands of those she had taken pleasure from, her lovers.
What a picture!

We are also called into a covenant with God, a relationship likened to a marriage with our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is the church who is called the Bride of Christ.  He chose us, He cleansed us, clothed us, adorns us and makes us to thrive.  More than that He gave Himself for us because of His great love.
Oh let us be faithful! Let us remember all that He has done and satisfy ourselves in Him alone.
Keep us abiding in You, oh Lord.  Draw us nearer every day.  Thank You for Your great and glorious love.  Amen

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1/16/13  Ezekiel 15
Jerusalem is compared to a vine. This comparison is not new.  Isaiah, Hosea, and the psalmist Asaph all wrote of the vine planted by God, the vinedresser.  It was meant to be beautiful, to produce good fruit.  But the vine failed to produce fruit and has been cut down and now is being thrown into the fire.  The wood of the vine is useless, God tells Ezekiel.  It can't be made into anything, not even a simple peg to hold something.  It is not even useful as fuel for a fire.  It is but kindling.  God has set His face against Jerusalem. They have acted unfaithfully.  They have refused the life giving Spirit that would bring good fruit through its branches.
 Jesus said " I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:1-2.  " Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." v4-6

Without abiding, without an enduring, present relationship with Jesus we are as dead and useless as the wood from a lopped off vine.  Israel cut itself off from its life source, from the Lord God Who alone could make it living and fruitful.  To be separated from God is death. It is darkness. It is uselessness. 

But to abide in Christ, the True Vine, is Life!  He is Light, He is Life.  In Him we will live and bear the fruit of light. Turn your face towards Him and receive the light and life that only He can give.  It is all of Him!
" Oh God, who art the truth, make me one with thee in everlasting love. It wearieth me often to read and hear many things: In Thee is all that I would have and can desire" ( The Imitation of Christ)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1/15/13 Ezekiel 14
Verses 1-11  Some elders of Israel came to see Ezekiel and wanted a word from the Lord.  But God immediately spoke to Ezekiel about these men.  They had set up idols in their hearts. This is a stumbling block, an obstacle, enticement ( idol) offence, ruin - of iniquity.   It was "right before their faces"  But they dared to come ask God for His Word.   The Lord warns Ezekiel that only a false prophet would give a word to these idolators. And, that false prophet would be judged and punished just as the inquirer would be. 
God's desire was to lay hold of the hearts of His people. They had to repent and turn away from their idols and the abominations ( that which was abhorent, disgusting, and abominable to God).  Everything that separated them from Him. He wanted them to return to their Home - in their hearts - to no longer stray from Him, to stop defiling themselves with their sins.  To be His people and to once again be their God.

They may not have had idols of wood, metal, or stone any longer.  But their hearts were not pure and they were still separated from God.  What sin(s) do we set up in our lives that are stumbling blocks to our relationship with God.  What keeps us separated from Him?   Do I have idols in my heart?   If God does not have my whole heart then I must repent and turn away from that which separates me from Him.  Oh God, forgive and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  Let nothing separate me from You. Cast out every idol.
 " Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole,
 I want Thee forever to live in my soul;
 Break down every idol, cast out every foe; 
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow."

Verses 12-23 Ezekiel receives another Word from the Lord.  The judgement coming against Judah is going to make it desolate.  There is no intercession that will stay the Hand of God's wrath because the sin is so awful.   Even if Noah, Job, and Daniel came to pray over it they would not be able to stop God's judgement.  They could not even save their own children.  They could only save themselves. 
The judgement is severe.  God says so Himself. But it is perfectly just.  The sins, the evil conduct and actions of those in Jerusalem deserve the judgement that God is giving them.  Sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague. 
America will not escape the judgements of God either.  We Christians are still able to make intercession for our country, but there may come a day when the sins of America are so severe and we will only be able to be saved ourselves.  Work while the day is still here. Night is coming. 
God of Grace, You have called us into Your eternal Glory in Christ.  Perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish us so that we may be the people of God who speak the Word of God to a world that is falling into darkness more and more each passing day.

Monday, January 14, 2013

1/14/13  Ezekiel 10-11
The vision Ezekiel sees is heart breaking for him.  The Glory of the Lord leaves the temple in Jerusalem.  The evil leaders continue to ignore reality, but judgement is upon them.  Ezekiel cries out to God asking if God will not leave a remnant.  But God reassures him that even though He is leaving the temple and Jerusalem, He is not forsaking His people.   He will once again bring back Israel to the promised land.  In fact God is going to do something greater!   He is going to give His people a new heart and a new spirit.  A living heart will replace the cold stony one.  A faithful heart will replace the unfaithful one that led them to what was detestable and abominations. 

God repeats the two strong messages He has given to Ezekiel already:
1. He will judge each one according to his own conduct.
2. They will know that He is the LORD.

Ezekiel 12-13
Ezekiel is used as a demonstration of the exile that is about to happen for those left in Jerusalem.   Like us the people think that what is being prophesised is somewhere in the future.  But God is at work in the present and has finished giving any more time for Israel to repent.   There comes a time when it is too late.
Chapter 13  is a condemnation on the false prophets.  These men and women speak from their own inspirations and have not heard from the Lord.  They don't see visions from God, they are not sent from God, they speak lies and mislead people.  God calls them whitewashers.  False, fake, and failing.  When the rain comes the whitewashed wall crumbles.  False hopes of peace.  False words dishearten the righteous and encourage the wicked to remain wicked.

What lessons do we need to receive from this Word?   I believe we are also living in a time when we think God will not act, that it is still a long time off.  We don't grasp the nearness of His coming judgement.  We need to warn others that time is running out.  The day of salvation in Today as the writer in Hebrews reminds us.
I believe we  have many false prophets among us also.  They preach peace when there is no peace.  They speak from their own inspirations and not from God.  They give false hope.  The righteous are disheartened and the wicked are not encouraged to turn from their wickedness.  God will not have pity or spare these false teachers.  May they repent and turn from their lies.  How much more do we need to speak the Truth of God's Word.  Lead on Oh King and strengthen us with Your almighty power to speak the Words of Life to a deceived and dying world.

Friday, January 11, 2013

1/11/13  Ezekiel  8-9

Ezekiel is taken to Jerusalem in a vision from God.  In it he sees the abominations that Judah is committing.  At the north gate is the idol of "jealousy" IN the court were carvings of unclean beasts and idols being worshiped by the 70 elders.  At the gate of the Lord's house women were crying for Tammuz, a Syrian god.  At the inner court 25 men turned their backs to the temple and worshiped the sun in the east.   The Lord sums up this in 9:9 " The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great, and the land is filled with blood, and the city is full of perversion, for they say 'The Lord has forsaken the land and the Lord does not see!'"

The Glory of the Lord moves from the altar to the threshold of the temple.  But before He leaves there is one more thing to be done.  God sends a "man" to go through Jerusalem and mark the foreheads of the men who " sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst"  These are spared, but all others are to be destroyed by the executioners.
Once again God proclaims that He will not pity or spare those who have rebelled against Him.  "I shall bring their conduct upon their heads"

Too often in our culture people who have rejected God, lived selfish, unholy, sinful lives are deceived into thinking they can be spared God's judgement.  God is Love.  He is compassionate and good.  How can He do evil by sending people to hell?  But they fail to realize that God is perfectly Holy and Just.  When we rebel and reject Him, when we do abominations before Him, thinking He does not see or that He is not here.... it is a sin that is very, very great in His eyes.

God will not leave the guilty unpunished. Period.  But, He offers salvation by His Grace, through Jesus Christ.  Our only Hope.  "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face!" 
God takes sin seriously.  We need to see it through His eyes.  Then we will fall on our faces and repent and ask Jesus to be our Saviour too.  Thank you Lord for saving MY soul.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/9/13  Ezekiel 6

4 times God declares "and you will know that I am the Lord".   When all that God has said is fulfilled, they will know that He alone is Lord.   When all their altars are broken down, when the remnant hate their own evil acts,  when death is everywhere - by sword, plague, and famine; and when the land is desolate, a wilderness of waste.   Judgement comes from God and His wrath will be spent.  These results of judgement are clearly foretold and completed by God's Hand.

What would that look like to us today?
v 6 " In all your dwellings, cities will become waste and the high places will be desolate, .... that your idols may be broken and brought to an end, your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be blotted out."   Cities around the world, especially in the Middle East, are filled with bombed out, burned out buildings. Churches and Mosques are targets of terrorism.  Sacred grounds are defiled.  Would we see the many idols of Japan, India, China etc be swept away, perhaps like the destruction from the tsunami last year? 

v9 " Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations to which they will be carried captive, how I have been hurt by their adulterous hearts which turned away from Me and by their eyes which played the harlot after their idols; and they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed for all their abominations."   Are there people even now that mourn their own evil actions?  Could the high rate of suicide reflect the deep loathing of self for the evil acts that one has committed?   Are those without hope in Jesus Christ wondering if God is punishing them and know that they deserve it?

v12 " He who is far off will die by the plague, and he who is near will fall by the sword, and he who remains and is besieged will die by the famine. Thus shall I spend My wrath on them" Death comes by one of these 3 avenues - disease, violence, or starvation.   In America the top killers are heart disease, cancer, car accidents ( a sword of sorts?)  In Africa disease and starvation have been rampant, but now violence has come to join forces against the people. In the Middle East violence is possible on any street, at any time, on any day.

 V 13 says that when you find the dead slain among their idols... when they continue to worship the evil spirits in spite of the warnings.. they will die there.   Many in our world worship the idols of drugs, alcohol, lust, etc.  They go down that road of addictions and end up dead at the hand of these evils.  Are these any different than the idols of ancient Israel?

Chapter 7 of Ezekiel repeats 5 times the idea that the judgement is "according to your ways".  Their abominations will be brought upon them,  according to their conduct and judgements they will receive back.  They will reap what they have sown.  Their wealth will not be able to rescue them, their pride will be turned to shame.  It will be too late to find mercy and pity from the Lord.  Position means nothing, for the king, priest, elder, or prince will tremble alike before the Lord's judgements.
"An end! The end is coming on the four corners of the land" v2.  "The time has come, the day is near - tumult rather than joyful shouting on the mountains" v7
We also sense a nearing of the "end".  A time when Christ shall return or a time when we leave this life for the next.  We will face the Judge and He will "repay according to your ways"  I tremble at the thought of facing the God Who is a consuming fire without the Righteousness of Jesus Christ to cover me.   Oh wake up my friends and family who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ!  Disaster is coming and without Christ there is NO pity and none will be spared.  Listen to the Word of the Lord!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1/8/13  Ezekiel 4 The siege of Jerusalem.    Ezekiel is given instructions to build a model of Jerusalem under siege.  Then he is bound by God to lie on his left side for 390 days! A day for each year of Israel's iniquity.  After that he is to lay on his right side for 40 more days, indicating Judah's 40 years of iniquity.  He is given instructions for food and water, a bread made of wheat, barley, millet, spelt, beans, and lentils. About 10 ounces of bread, of the lowest, coarsest type of bread and about 8 oz of water.. a day.   Barely enough to keep one alive, illustrating what will happen in Jerusalem.   Ezekiel willingly agrees to this taxing assignment, except for one thing, using human dung to cook his bread.  He doesn't want to let this uncleanness into his life, yet he doesn't ask God for anything or doesn't call himself too good for it.  But the Lord is gracious and allows cow dung to be used instead.

I can't imagine life for Ezekiel for this year + of laying on his side.  Through the days and nights, through rain and cold, through the heat of summer.   How many animals got into his store of meal?  How did he deal with personal hygiene? 

Ch. 5   Next Ezekiel is told to use a sword to cut the hair of his head and beard.  A third is burned, a third is struck with a sword and a third is thrown to the wind.   God is using this to illustrate what will happen in Jerusalem.  Because of their rebellion and sin, their wickedness and rejection of His law and authority, judgement is coming.  A third of the people will die by the plague or famine,  a third will be killed by the sword, and a third will be scattered.   The anger and wrath of God is like no other.   Fathers will eat their children and children their fathers.  Death will be everywhere.  The nation will be a reproach, destruction, intense famine, wild beasts, plague, and bloodshed.  And God states that He will have no pity and spare no one.  He has spoken.

Worse than the holocaust. Worse than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Worse than the disasters to hit Haiti or any other.   This judgement was so severe and deadly.  How is it that Israel has forgotten?  How do they not fall before God even now and beg for forgiveness? 

How does America not fear God's wrath?  We are guilty of the same sins as Israel.  We have rebelled against His ordinances and walked in wickedness.  We have rejected His rule and reign.  We have denounced His authority and His Son.  Oh forgive us! Bring repentance to our land.  And to Israel.
Reign Lord God!  You are King and rule forever.  Have pity, spare us, change our hearts. Thank You for your mercy and grace.  For salvation through Jesus Christ.  Be exalted our God! Amen.

Monday, January 7, 2013

1/7/13    Ezekiel 1-3
Ezekiel is prepared for his ministry.  It will be a  ministry like no other.  The preparation itself is powerful, overwhelming, and frightening.  It begins with a vision of God sitting on His throne. With the 4 living creatures and their glowing, burning, awesome presence beneath the gleaming expanse, to the appearance of God Himself, this vision is so overpowering that Ezekiel can only fall on his face.  As God begins to speak, the Spirit enters Ezekiel and lifts him to his feet. 

Ezekiel is being sent to speak to Israel.  Over and over God calls them rebellious, obstinate children.  He tells Ezekiel that the people may or may not listen to his message, but that he should not fear them or be dismayed.  He is to speak God's Word, nothing else. Ezekiel was given a scroll and told to eat it. Which he did.  He was to fill his body, to take into his heart all the Words of God.  To listen closely and tell what he hears from God.

Ezekiel is warned of the consequences for not speaking the Word when directed.  If he doesn't warn a sinner and he dies in his iniquity, then Ezekiel will be guilty of his blood.  But if he does warn him then, he is not guilty.   His responsibility is to speak what God tells him to speak.  Ezekiel is then made mute, unable to speak, except when God opens his mouth to speak His Word.  If Ezekiel speaks then the listener can hear and obey or refuse and remain in his sin.  The results are not up to Ezekiel.

We also have a responsibility to speak God's Word.  We must take in His Word, into our lives and hearts.  We must listen first!  Then as the Lord's hand is upon us and He leads us by His Spirit, we must speak.  Warning the wicked "from their wicked way" and  warning the righteous when they commit iniquity.

To come into God's Presence as Ezekiel, Isaiah, and John did is unique.  But we are told that we also can come boldly to the Throne of Grace.  To enter in and commune with God through the Lord Jesus Christ is the great privilege of the believer.  Oh what a day that will be when faith becomes sight!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ezekiel 1  A vision of God.     Ezekiel sees a vision, hears the Word of the Lord, and felt the Hand of the Lord upon him.   Matthew Henry's Commentary notes that it is a great mercy for the Word of the Lord to come to us.  Although the prophet and the others were captive in Babylon, they were not kept from God.   "Ezekiel was employed in turning the hearts of the people to the Lord their God, and therefore he must himself see the visions of God"  MHC  To bring the knowledge and love of God to others we must first be well acquainted with Him ourselves and "much affected with what we know of Him"  Ezekiel was prepared for the Word by the wind- the Spirit.  Then he heard the voice of God -  the Word in fulness, light and power.  And he felt the power of God, "opening his eyes to see the visions, opening his ears to hear the voice, and opening his heart to receive both"

What do this Word say to me?   Spirit come with power and mercy to prepare me, to open my eyes and ears to receive the Word of God.   "Open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus, to reach out and touch Him, to say that I love Him" 

The vision that is given to Ezekiel is mind-boggling, amazing, and glorious.  Angels appear and then the Throne of God!  Ezekiel falls on his face.  God, the Consuming Fire, has come to him.

How innocently and naively we pray "Come Lord Jesus" .  Do we really expect this?  What great mercy our God shows to us.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/2/13  Ephesians 6
Paul continues his examples of what it means to be "imitators of God".   
 To the wife it means to submit yourself to your husband's leadership and to respect him.
 To the husband it means to love and sacrifice for your wife.  To nourish and cherish her.
 To the child it means to obey and honor your parents.
 To the parent it means to bring up your children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord"
 To the slave/employee it means to obey the master with sincerity of heart. 
 To the master/employer it means treating those under you with justice and goodness.
 "Doing the will of God from the  heart" as a slave of Christ includes rendering service with good will and doing good things.

Paul's final admonition is for us to be "strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might" Why?  Because we are in a battle against the enemy, the devil. There are rulers, powers, and spiritual forces of darkness and wickedness.  We struggle with them and must be prepared to resist them in order to stand firm.  God has provided the weapons of defense and offense for this battle.
The Word of God
Our orders are to stand firm, to resist, oppose, abide, hold up  with truth, righteousness, and the gospel of peace.  To extinguish the "flaming missiles of the evil one" with faith.  To use the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, the Word and Prayer, to be on the alert with all perseverance.  Persistently praying for all the saints.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


A brand new year!  Just freshly returned from 11 days with my beautiful daughter and her family.  Filled with love and blessed with the sweetness of 2 precious grandsons!  Virginia is just too far away from Florida! Ahhh!

Back to the Word!  Eph. 5  " Be imitators of God as beloved children"  How on earth do we imitate God?  KJV says to be "followers"  - Greek word is mimetes , from mimeomai - mimic.   As a son mimics his daddy,  we are to mimic our Father in Heaven.  As He is holy, we are to be holy.  As He is Good, we are to be good. As He loves, we are to love.  As He is Light, we are to be light. 
v 10 " trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord" v15 " Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise"

This walk is "in love", filled  with the Spirit,  being subject to one another "in the fear of Christ" It is in relationship with Jesus that is the example for the relationship of husband and wife.  Christ is the example of true love - giving of Himself for the purpose of sanctifying the bride, his church.  This is what we are to mimic in our personal relationships with our spouses.  Only possible with the Holy Spirit!

New Year's resolutions?  No!  Better than that, this is a Life time resolution.  To live as a child of the Father.  A mimic of Jesus Christ, through the power of His Spirit working in me.  May it be so!