Monday, July 15, 2024

Hebrews 3  Therefore... "fix your thoughts on Jesus.."  -  "consider Him".. the writer urges us.. He who is the "Apostle and High Priest of our confession" .. the One we profess to follow...   Jesus "our apostle" our "sent one".. and our High Priest... the priest above all other priests.. the only One to enter the true holy of holies.. the only One to offer the complete atonement offering.. Himself.  

Consider Him.. fix Your eyes on Him. 

Jesus was "faithful to Him who appointed Him."  He is found "worthy of greater honor than Moses.."  He is the "faithful Son over God's house".   

And.. we "are his house if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory." 

 The writer encourages us to "hold fast".. and to "take care"..  and to "encourage one another day after day.."  because we are His.  We must not let our hearts be hardened.. we must not allow our hearts to become "unbelieving", like the Israelites did in the wilderness. 

Those who were with Moses.. those who went out of Egypt by the great power of God.. were the same ones who hardened their hearts.. they "tried" the Lord and tested Him. They saw Him work but failed to follow His ways.  Because of this they would not enter the promised land.  This is an example that we need to learn from.. "lest any of [us] be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." 

Jesus, You are worthy of great honor... You are the faithful Son over God's house. -us. You are the heir of all things.. of all the creation which came into being by You and for You.  We will hold fast to You. We will stand firmly in our confession as we profess You as Lord and King forever.  We will encourage one another to yield our hearts to You and not be hardened by the lies of this world.  We confess our need of Your Spirit to lead us in Your ways, to serve You faithfully all of our days.  Come and move in us today we pray.. be our right hand and strengthen us for whatever this day holds. In the Name that is above all names we pray. Amen. 

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