Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Hebrews 5  In the first 4 verses the writer outlines the role of a "high priest": 

He is "taken" or selected from among the people.. appointed by God, to represent them in spiritual matters..."in things pertaining to God". (v1)

He is tasked with the responsibility to offer " both gifts and sacrifices for sins." (v1b)

He is called to "deal gently with the ignorant and misguided"... to  have compassion on those who do not know or understand and to those who have gone astray or been deceived. (v2)

The high priest is also "subject to weakness" and can relate to those he ministers to... and must also offer sacrifices for his own sins "as for the people." (v3)

The high priest cannot make himself a high priest. He does not take this honor upon himself. He "receives it".  He is called by God.. just as Aaron was. (v4)

In verses 5-10 we see how the High Priestly role that Jesus was given is similar but different than the former description:

Jesus did not take upon Himself the honor or becoming the High Priest.. but He was called by the Father to that role.  "Thou art My Son.. " The Father said to Him.. and "Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."  Jesus was called to a greater order.. to an eternal order of priesthood. There is a distinction made here that we need to see. 

This High Priest did what the human high priest could not... He suffered and died.  He became the "source of eternal salvation."  We are told that Jesus "offered up both prayers and supplications".. that He "learned obedience from the things He suffered, "  and that He was "made perfect".  Jesus fully submitted to the Father's will.. as we read in the account of His prayers in Gethsemane.  In His perfect obedience He accomplished and completed the Father's will.   It was in this act that He became the source of eternal life to all who "obey Him."  This Priesthood is far superior to every and any  human position!

One last thing that the writer tells us in this chapter.. as he warns his readers to move beyond the elementary principles of faith.. He says, " .. solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil."  We must train our minds.. to perceive, to understand, and to judge between what is "good" - beautiful, excellent, pure, noble, and praiseworthy;  and that which is "evil" - that which is wicked, troublesome, destructive, harmful, and depraved. 

How do we do that?  We must "draw near, with confidence,  to the throne of grace.. " and we must abide in the Word of God which is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.. "  We must "press on to maturity".. as we will read in chapter 6.

Father in heaven, once again we come before You, in awe of Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son, our Great High Priest.. our Eternal Savior and King.  All glory and honor and power to the Name that is above all names.. Jesus Christ the Lord.  We ask that You help us to press on.. to draw near.. to receive all that You have given us in the Word and to gain understanding of Your ways and will. Thank You for such a great High Priest who has compassion on us, who provided eternal salvation for us, and who is even now drawing us close to You.  It is in His name that we pray, amen. 

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