Monday, July 8, 2024

 Nahum 2-3 These chapters describe the destruction of Nineveh as God brings judgement upon them for the evil that they have done to Israel and to many other  nations. "Behold I am against you, declares the Lord of hosts." (3:5) 

There is no turning back.. there is no escape.. there is no army that can stand against the judgement of God.  There were no leaders that could help the people. There was nothing that they could do.. even though Nahum warns them to prepare.. Their evil ways would catch up to them. 

This is the message that God sends to every nation.. unless we humble ourselves and pray..unless we repent from evil ways.. unless we return to the One who rules heaven and earth.. there is a judgment that is coming.  It is a terrible thing for God to say to us.. "Behold,  I am against you...

Once again we turn back to the good news.. "The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.." ( 1:7)  We hold on to the Words that God used to describe Himself, "The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, and the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished." (1:3)  God will not forsake us who call on Him for help.  He will not let the evil go unpunished. We serve a God who sees everything and everyone.  

As we look upon the world that we live in today... we wonder how evil people continue to live.. let alone prosper.. but we must remember that God is just and He will accomplish His will even through those who do not trust in Him.  Let us hold on to Him.. our stronghold and take refuge in Him.. no matter what evil comes our way.. I know that is easier to say than to do.. may God help us to trust His Word.

Father in heaven, You are our great God and we praise You. We extol Your holy Name. We praise You and tell of Your greatness. We praise You for saving us, for sending Your Beloved Son, to be our Savior and our King. We thank You for the indescribable gift of His sacrifice for our sins.  Thank You for helping us to see the glory of Your salvation.. the greatness of love.. poured out on a cross.... We cannot fathom the depths of Your love for us.. but we ask that You might help us to know You more.. to know the height and depth, the length and the width of Your great love. Fill us with Your Spirit once again we pray.. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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