Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 Hebrews 1:1-4  " In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets.... but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son... "  

The writer begins this powerful message with a description of the Son.. indeed, this whole book expounds on the greatness of Jesus Christ.. greater than angels; greater than the Law; greater than any sacrifice; greater than the greatest priest or prophet.. for He alone is Christ forever. 

This first chapter tells us that Jesus is the "appointed heir of all things".  Everything! Every manner, every mode, every day, everyone. God the Father, set forth.. established.. ordained His Son as the heir of "all things." 

Jesus also is the maker of the world.. the universe.. everything that was made.. as John wrote, "All things came into being by Him and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." (John 1:3)  It is "though" or "by" Jesus, the Beloved Son, that the universe came into existence.  The Eternal Son was the channel through Whom God spoke the world into existence.  He is the reason for and the means of creation. 

Jesus is the "radiance of God's glory".  He perfectly reflects the majesty of God.. Thayer's lexicon tells us. He is the "brightness".. the shining forth...God's perfect Light.

Jesus is the "exact representation of His nature" or "being".  God the Father "engraved" His image onto His Son. Jesus is the exact, precise, engraving.. of His Father. 

Jesus "upholds (or sustains) all things by the word of His power."  If all the universe is sustained by the word of Jesus.. how much power is in every Word that He has spoken?

Jesus "provided purification for sins"...  He did what no other could do.. He made or provided "purification".  He provided a cleansing that only He could provide.  He washed our sins away!

Jesus "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high..." He is in the place of honor and authority.. exalted and esteemed.  

Jesus is "superior to the angels" and His name is more excellent than any other. 

And this is just the introduction!  How can we not worship Him?  How can we not adore Him?

Father, we are in awe of Your Son whom You appointed as the heir of all creation, Whom You sent to speak to us.. to shine Your light on us.. to save us by providing purification from our sin.  We have come to Jesus, the One who is the author and the finisher of our faith.. and we will trust Him with our whole selves.. Let the Word of Christ dwell in our hearts and minds.. that the power of His Word will forever uphold us in all righteousness and truth... to the glory of His excellent Name. Amen. 

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