Friday, July 26, 2024

 Hebrews 11:21-40 The writer of Hebrews gave us example after example of people who lived by faith.. their lives are a testimony.. so that we might know that no matter what.. even if we don't receive what we have asked and believed for.. there is a greater reward waiting for us in eternity. 

Verse 21 tells us that Jacob, "by faith... blessed both the sons of Joseph" before he died. Looking back at Genesis 48 where this is described, helps me understand this a bit better.. the blessing had to do with the inheritance that Ephraim and Manasseh would receive when all the people of Israel returned to the promised land.  Jacob believed that both of these grandsons would become great and have many descendants. He was looking towards the future that God had promised. 

Likewise, faith..  believed that the Israelites would return to their land and requested that his bones be taken with them.

Moses was a man of faith.. coming from a family who trusted God.. hiding him for three months and then watching as he was taken in by Pharoah's daughter.  It was by faith, we are told, that Moses refused to live in sinful luxury, but came alongside his people.  "By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible." 

By faith.. the Israelites sacrificed lambs and put the blood around their doors so that their firstborn children would not die. 

It was by faith that they walked through the Red Sea on dry ground.

It was by faith that they walked around the walls of Jericho for seven days. 

It was by faith that Rahab welcomed the spies and was saved. 

The writer of Hebrews tells us that there are so many more examples of men and women who lived by faith in God.. even those who suffered and died for their faith.  "... the world was not worthy of them.. " he writes.. but God "commended" them for their faith.  

These examples are meant to encourage us to also have faith.. for we have even "better" promises than they did.. for we have Jesus, "the pioneer and perfecter of faith." 

Father in heaven, open our eyes that we would see You, like Moses and the others that came before us.  May we have such faith.. that even when we don't get the answers that we want.. we will persevere in faith.. knowing that Your promises are True.  May we trust You with today.. and for tomorrow.. and for eternity... knowing that You will always be with us through the good and the bad times.  Bless us with Your grace and peace today we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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