Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 Hebrews 10   In chapter 6 the writer told us that we needed to move forward.. to become mature in spiritual matters, and then he took us through a master course in chapters 7-9.  This chapter summarizes those lessons.. 

We learned that the old covenant law was just a shadow of the "good things".. the reality that Christ brought to us. 

We learned that the old sacrifices and offerings were insufficient to truly cleanse us, but that the -once for all- sacrifice of Christ Himself completely cleanses us. 

We learned that the former priests had to repeat their religious duties over and over again.. but that Christ "offered for all time one sacrifice for sins.." 

We learned that the old covenant is obsolete.. and the new covenant is so much greater... as God changes our minds and hearts.. not just our outside actions. 

We learned that through the blood that Christ Jesus shed on the cross.. we are completely forgiven!

It is because of this that we "have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body." (v19)

We can draw near to God. We can have "full assurance" through faith. 

We can have unswerving hope.... because we know He is faithful. 

We can "spur one another on toward love and good deeds"... we can meet together to encourage one another.. we can joyfully await the return of our Lord.  

What we need to be careful NOT to do.. is to turn away from the truth.  We must persevere in faith and hope and love.. for Jesus is coming again!  ".. He who is coming will come and will not delay." 

Father, You are our Helper and our Strength.. enable us to hold on and not shrink back. May our faith grow, may our love abound, and may our hope be a firm foundation as we have confidence in our Great High Priest who shed His blood for us.  Thank You for this great salvation.. and for the promise of a future inheritance that will be for eternity! Keep us near to Your heart we pray, in Jesus' name. amen. 

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