Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Philemon 1   This letter is so unusual.. it is a personal letter to one family.. an appeal on behalf of one man, a runaway slave, Onesimus.  The letter is addressed to Philemon, Apphia, and Archippus.  The first thing that I notice is the terms of endearment... 

Philemon is addressed as "our dear friend and fellow worker". 

Apphia is addressed as our "beloved" or "sister" ( depending on which translation we use)

Archippus is addressed as a "fellow soldier". 

Their home is the meeting place of the church, which is known by Paul.  He has heard about their love and faith.  He has "much joy and comfort" in their acts of love towards other believers who have been helped by them. Paul has "confidence" in their faithfulness.. so he appeals to them on the behalf of Onesimus.

Onesimus is also dearly loved by Paul.. He calls him "my child, whom I have begotten in my imprisonment."  He considers Onesimus "my very heart".  This man has had a changed life..  He was once "useless", Paul says, but now is "useful".  Paul tells of how Onesimus has ministered to him.. and  has become a "beloved brother".  Paul is willing to pay for any debt the Onesimus owes to Philemon.  He appeals to Philemon's love and faith to receive Onesimus back as a beloved brother and not as a useless slave. 

Paul makes one final appeal, "Yes, brother, let me benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ." (v20) 

Relationships are so valuable to Paul.. and this book helps to show us that it extends to even the "least of these".. a runaway slave.. as well as to one who was a slave-owner.   Do we value others as much? Are we ready to pay the debts of others when they can't? Are we willing to appeal to our friends to do what is "right" when they really have the legal standing to do otherwise?  How can we show love to someone in trouble today? 

Lord, help us to love better.. to go further.. to give more in our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. May we be "useful" in serving others. Fill us Holy Spirit for whatever You have for us today.. that we might refresh others in Christ.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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