Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 I Timothy 5-6  Paul gives Timothy some detailed instructions for leading and teaching in the church.  Some of these things may or may not apply in this day and age.. but the basic message always does.. for all of these instructions reveal the heart of true disciples of Jesus...  living out His love towards others. 

 Paul teaches that how we treat other people..matters:  We should treat older men and women with respect.. like we should a father or mother.  We should treat younger men and women like we would brothers or sisters.  There is a sense of kinship.. mutual love and compassion toward others.. we become family in Christ.  We need to keep this in mind, even when we don't necessarily want to... 

Paul has a lot to say about widows in verses 3-16.  The bottom line is that the church should help those who have no other means of support.. and.. are faithful believers, trusting in God, committed to prayer.. and have a good reputation.. having done good works as she was able.  But, those who have family, those who are young enough to remarry, or those who have some other way of provision.. are not to be dependent on the church. 

Paul talks about the principles that he applies to elders in verses 17-22. Those who are worthy should be honored. Those who are found to be sinning must be disciplined. There is wisdom in not being hasty to appoint someone into a position of leadership too soon. 

Chapter 6 is a familiar theme in Paul's letters.. living out the character of Christ.. even when in a position of servitude. Slaves are supposed to be respectful.. Masters who are believers should be respected.. even if they are brothers in Christ. 

Paul also warns about greed and discontent.. and exhorts Timothy and the rest of us to " pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness".  Verse 12 is a charge for all of us: "Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of eternal life to which you were called... " 

Paul finishes this letter with one more reminder that all we do is in light of what is to come.. Jesus is coming again.. "He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords; who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light; who no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen." 

Here.. in our coming King..  is where we fix our hope.. He is why we do good, being generous and sharing.. here is where we "take hold of that which is life indeed."  May we guard these truths.. even as Paul instructed Timothy.. "avoiding worldly and empty chatter and opposing arguments of what is falsely called 'knowledge'". 

Father, may Your will be done.. in us.. in all these things. Enable us by Your Spirit to live in a way that Christ is glorified1  We ask this in  His name... our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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