Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Amos 1  A shepherd from Judah, sent to Israel.. Amos had an assignment from the Lord.. to warn Israel of coming judgement. So, he went.. and he spoke what the Lord gave him.. "The Lord roars from Zion, and from Jerusalem He utters His voice; and the shepherd's pasture grounds mourn, and the summit of Carmel dries up." (v2)

The news that Amos brings is not good news. It is a pronouncement of God's judgement and punishment upon the people of Israel ... and upon Gentile nations...  who have become corrupt. Amos speaks against individual city/states or regions.. detailing their specific transgressions:

Damascus had "threshed Gilead with implements of sharp iron." Like a sledge that was used to separate grain from its husks.. Damascus had continually raked over the people and land of Gilead causing great suffering. God would punish Damascus by burning its gates; destroying its king, and exiling them back to their original homeland, Mesopotamia. 

Gaza had "deported an entire population to deliver it up to Edom."  These people were slave traders.  They captured whole communities and sold them. They took defenseless people and shipped them off. God would punish this Philistine nation by complete annihilation.

Tyre had also "delivered up an entire population to Edom." Tyre betrayed those that were part of a treaty or covenant with them. They were callous and evil in their treatment of those who were supposed to be "brothers".  For this, God would punish them severely. In 332 BC Alexander the Great conquered Tyre.. thousands were killed and many more taken and sold as slaves. 

Edom had "pursued his brother with a sword... stifled his compassion.."  and poured out anger and fury. Edom came from Esau.. and Israel came from Jacob. All these years later.. anger and hatred continued..and continues even now...  God would make Edom subject to the Assyrians and its land would become desolate. 

Ammon had "ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead in order to enlarge their borders." These were terrorists seeking to decimate their enemy. They were heartless.  They preyed on the defenseless. God's punishment would consume them. 

God will not ignore the sins of mankind.. He responds with fire.. He will "unleash" His power.. He will "consume" those who do such evil. 

We live in a world that still sees this kind of evil.. cruel, heartless, hateful people who prey upon the defenseless out of anger or out of greed.  Take note.. God sees and He will repay those who do such evil. 

Father in heaven, look at those who are suffering.. those taken and sold into slavery.. those terrorized.. those suffering just because they are Your people.  Take heed, Lord God, and move once again to deliver Your children.  May every nation bow before You and exalt You, even as Your Word has declared.. "Cease striving and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ( Psalm 46:10)  May we see You move in great ways, Lord God.. unleash Your power even now that the evil of the wicked will come to and end and the righteous will be established. ( Psalm 7:9)   We ask this in the powerful name of the One who holds all things together.. Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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