Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 Amos 6  Amos gives us a picture of Israel.. "at ease... " feeling secure..  and very, very arrogant.  They thought themselves better than the surrounding nations.  They sat back on their "beds of ivory".. eating the best foods.. making music for themselves.. drinking sacred wines and using sacred oils.   They had no concerns about anyone but themselves.. 

"The Lord God has sworn by Himself, the Lord God of hosts has declared: 'I loathe the arrogance of Jacob, and I detest his citadels. Therefore I will deliver up the city and all it contains." 

Their wealth and power could not save them from judgement.  They had "turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood."  The Lord would send an army that would smash "the great house... to fragments." 

What must the Lord think of our nation? We have been arrogant.. we have sat back on our own "beds of ivory" and forgotten justice and righteousness.  When will the Lord have enough of this?  When will He decide to bring judgement on America?  Or has it already begun?

Chapter 7

Amos was given a vision.. the Lord was "forming a locust-swarm"  that would devour the crops. But, Amos prayed, "Lord God, please pardon! How can Jacob stand, for he is small?"  And the Lord changed His mind. 

Then the Lord gave Amos a vision of a great consuming fire.  Again, Amos prayed, "Lord God, please stop!"  And again the Lord changed His mind. 

But, the Lord gave Amos one more vision.. "the Lord was standing by a vertical wall, with a plumb line in His hand."  Because Israel did not.. measure up.. God would no longer tolerate their sinfulness.  The sword would come against them. They would be taken into exile. 

Father in heaven, give us ears to hear!  The sins of our country are piling up and we need to see that You  will not tolerate this much longer.  We pray for revival.. for repentance.. for justice to "roll down like waters" and "righteousness like and overflowing stream."(5:24)  May the Church rise up and proclaim the Truth with boldness.  May the Love of Christ overflow every believer's life so that others will be drawn to You.  May Your will be done.. on earth as it is in heaven! In Jesus' name we ask these things. Amen. 

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