Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 II Thessalonians 3  Verse 1 "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you.. " 

The same Word that brought the church to Jesus.. with power.. and was transforming them more and more as they excelled in faith and love.. the same Word that was preparing them for the Day when they would stand before the Throne of God.. this Word of Truth.. Paul pleads for his readers to pray that This Word would spread rapidly across the world.  

E. M. Bounds writes this:

"The Revised Version has for 'free course' ( or spread rapidly in our translation)  the word run. 'The word' means doctrine, and the idea conveyed is that this doctrine of the gospel is rapidly propagated, a metaphor taken from the running of a race, and is an exhortation to exert one's self, to strive hard, to expend strength. Thus the prayer for the spread of the gospel gives the same energy to the Word of the Lord as the greatest outlay of strength that gives success to the racer.  Prayer in the pew gives the preached word energy, facility, and success. Preaching without the backing of mighty praying is as limp and worthless an effort as can be imagined. Prayerlessness in the pew is a serious hindrance to the running of the Word of the Lord." 

Verse 5 is also a call to prayer.. " And may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ."   Paul prays this for his readers.. and may we pray it for ourselves and others in the church. Oh may we go deeper and deeper into His great love!  May we be steadfast in Christ!

The rest of this final chapter to the Thessalonians has to do with the one issue that seems to be plaguing the church.. those who won't work.  Paul addressed this in his first letter, and again here.  He instructs all believers to live disciplined lives.. not unruly.. not being a burden to others.. not being lazy or being a busybody..  ".. we command and exhort ( these people)  in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread".  Those who still refused to take responsibility for themselves or their families were to be "admonished".  The church was to "stay aloof" of such a person. Yet, Paul also tells them to "not grow weary of doing good." 

Father in heaven, we do pray that the Word of God would run across our land.. rapidly.. with the power to change lives.. to bring light to the darkness.. hope to the hopeless.. and help to the needy.  We need this Truth that brings life.. for our land is weary and lost. So many have already been deceived by the lies of Satan.. Father, send Your Spirit to open blind eyes and deaf ears.. to hear the gospel that brings salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, our wonderful Savior.  Let the Word of God be glorified! These are the only words that bring life! Thank You for calling us through this Good News. Do it again, Lord!
In Jesus' name we ask this. Amen. 

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