Friday, May 24, 2024

 I Timothy 2  Paul, in the first part of this letter emphasized that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.. "  He showed mercy.. to Paul and to all who would come to Him.. to "believe in Him for eternal life."  The message that Paul brought to the Gentiles was not a message about the Law.. but about the grace of God.  The Good news of Jesus Christ is about love and faith and holiness.  

In light of this.. Paul urges Timothy and all of the church to pray.  Pray "on behalf of all men".  Pray for "kings and all who are in authority.. "  Pray because "this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 

We pray because there is only "one God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."  We pray because Christ came to give "Himself as a ransom for all."  There is nothing more important for the church to do.. than to pray.. "lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension." We pray because people need the Lord!

Forget all the arguments over the Law.. forget about the meaningless teachings of the false teachers.. forget about whatever it is that is causing divisions.. there is one thing and one thing only that we need to do.. WE NEED TO PRAY FOR THE LOST!

Now, the rest of  this chapter is something that has become pretty controversial .. ironic ..since Paul has been talking about overcoming the controversies in order to focus on the essentials.. faith, love, and holiness. But, if we look at verse 15 we see this is his point..talking about women, he says  "Yet she will be saved through child-bearing ... if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control." 

Paul is specifically addressing the conduct of women in the church.  The first thing that he asks is that they "adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly.. "  His point is that women should not be defined about how fancy they look on the outside.. but "by means of good works... "  What portrays godliness?  Is it how nice our clothes are?  How great our hairstyle is? How much jewelry we wear?  No, not at all.  What reveals godliness in us is our character.. our kindness, our compassion, our willingness to serve others in need.  How do we.. as Christian women.. want to be seen? We need to think about this carefully. 

Paul's second request is that "a woman quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness."  What was his point here?  It was not that a woman is  somehow less than a man.. for we are all equal in worth... but, there is a need for order in the church.. there is a need for self-control and restraint.  Unruly behavior.. from women or men.. will definitely cause distractions from the main goal of.. faith.. love.. and holiness. The example that God set up from the beginning still works.. Adam had the authority and the responsibility to lead.. Eve was meant to come alongside Adam.. instead she was deceived and led him into sin. Paul wants the church to follow God's order in everything. 

Paul is not saying that women can't learn the same things that men can, for we certainly can.  He is just saying that in order for the church to focus on the main things.. faith, love, and holiness.. we need to not be distracted by the wrong things.. like focusing on external adornments.. and disrespect for those in authority.

Father in heaven, teach us all of Your ways.. to do Your Holy will.. in everything.  Help us to be devoted to prayer.. that the lost may come to Jesus.  Help us to have appropriate behavior in all we say and do.. so that You will be glorified in our lives. Let the Light of Jesus Christ overflow in our lives.. for the glory of Your Holy name. We pray this in Jesus' name.  Amen. 

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