Monday, May 6, 2024

 Amos 2  Amos continues to  speak the Word.. judgements that the Lord would bring upon nation after nation. 

Moab was judged because of their cruelty.. they desecrated the grave of the king of Edom and rebelled against God in every way.  Their punishment would be a great battle that would bring about their end. 

The Gentile nations would be judged because they rebelled against God's will for all mankind.. but Judah and Israel would be judged because they broke God's Law that was given through the Mosaic Covenant. 

Judah's sin was idolatry.  They believed the "lies".. the deception that idols were real and not false gods.  Their punishment would be the destruction of Jerusalem and exile into  Babylon. 

Israel also practiced idolatry, but the list of their transgressions goes on... they preyed upon the poor.. callously selling them into slavery; they practiced sexual immorality; they abused and took advantage of those in need; and they would take sacred wine and drink to heathen gods..  Despite all the God had done for the nation of Israel.. they rebelled against Him and against His Word. 

The punishment for Israel was severe.. they would be crushed. They would be overcome.. their army would not be able to run away.. not have the strength or the courage to fight.. and not have any way to escape the coming judgement. 

The Words of the Lord to Israel in Amos 3:2 are chilling, "You only have I chosen among all the families of the earth; Therefore, I will punish you for all your iniquities."  To those who have been given much... much is required. ( Luke 12:48)  Israel had every resource.. every opportunity.. every blessing that God gave them.. yet they chose to turn away. 

I know people who once claimed to be Christians.. and yet now they have walked away from Jesus.  It is heart-breaking.  It is not always easy to be a faithful follower of Christ. We get discouraged.. we get distracted.. we get rebellious.. or angry.. or.. whatever.  But.. life without Jesus is a life without hope.. a life without purpose.. a life without truth.  May we learn from the experiences of Israel and Judah.. let us stay faithful and committed to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength!

Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name for You are the great I Am.. our Creator and King. We ask that Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on this earth.. in every nation. We pray for the Truth to be proclaimed among all people and that many more will turn to Jesus Christ and find forgiveness for their sins.  Draw us closer to Your heart today, Lord God. Fill us with Your Spirit. May Jesus Christ be glorified in us.. Your children.. today. We ask this in His Name. amen. 

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