Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 I Thessalonians 1-2 This church was steadfast. They were occupied with doing works of faith and love. They were full of hope and joy. (v3,6)  They had received the Word of Christ with "power"  - abundant and miraculous  power... they had "full conviction"...  complete assurance.. fully persuaded in the truth of the Gospel. (v5)  They also experienced much persecution. 

Despite their troubles.. the testimony of these believers had spread over the entire region.  They had left their idols.. and served the "living and true God." (v9) 

The church stood ready and waiting for Jesus to return from heaven. (v10) 

Paul was so thankful for this church. He called them his "glory and joy". (2:20)  They had received the Word, believed the gospel, and became imitators of Paul.. like children who imitate their fathers.  There is a love and devotion evident in Paul's letter to this church.  He desired more than anything to return to them. 

This seems like a good measurement for any church.. are we in any way like this early church?

Are we steadfast?

Are we busy with works of faith and love?

Are we full of hope and joy?

Are we eagerly awaiting the coming of Christ?

Are we standing firm in the full assurance of the gospel?

Are we able to bear troubles or persecution?

Is the power of Christ at work in us?

If this is true.. in our church.. in your church.. are you thankful?    I am!

Father in heaven, I do thank You for working in us.. for giving us the gospel of Jesus Christ with power and joy! Fill us to the full, Lord God!  Do all that You desire in us that we might walk in "a manner worthy of the God who calls [us] into His kingdom and glory." ( v12)  In the name of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. 

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