Friday, May 31, 2024

 Jonah 2  This is Jonah's prayer.  Jonah had run from the presence of the Lord.. and found himself about as far away as anyone can go.. notice the words he uses to describe his position:

- " deep in the realm of the dead (Sheol)" (v2)

- "into the depth.. into the very heart of the seas" (v3)

-"banished from your sight" ( v4)

-"the deep surrounded me" (v5)

- "to the roots of the mountains I sank down" ( v6)

- "the earth beneath barred me in forever" (v6b)

Banished.. deep.. down.. imprisoned.. as good as dead.. 

But.. " I called out of my distress to the Lord, and He answered me. I cried for help from the depth of Sheol; Thou didst hear my voice." (v2)  The NIV says.. " I called for help and you listened to my cry."

Jonah was absolutely helpless.. in the belly of a fish.. seaweed entangled around his head.. at the bottom of the sea.. in the realm of the dead.. " But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit." As life was "ebbing away"  Jonah turned his thoughts to his God.. He called and God answered.. 

No idol could do such a thing, Jonah testifies.  Only the One True God loves enough to save a rebellious man in the belly of a fish.. "Salvation come from the Lord"!  Jonah knows this.. and he commits himself  to obey God's word and keep his vows.. 

How far do we have to sink.. how low do we go.. before we look up?  Jonah went to the bottom of the sea. I feel like I have been there before.. and thankfully.. I called for help and the Lord heard my cry!  He brought me up out of the pit!  He has shown me His great love. He has restored my soul!  I am so thankful!  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father, thank You for saving me. Thank you that, even in the times when life was ebbing away.. You hear the voice of one crying out to You.  You hear.. and answer.. Oh Father, I pray for those who are sinking right now.. those who have tried to run from You.. those who are helpless and terrified.  Hear their cries Lord God.. bring them back to Yourself.  Your love is so great.. so high, so deep, so wide, and so long.. Praise the Lord!  Let Your mercy and love flow into their hearts and minds! All glory and praise and adoration belongs to You alone! No other can save.. and we are so thankful that You choose to save.. Thank You Jesus, our Lord, that You came to seek and save the lost... Let the name of the Lord be praised! Amen. 

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