Monday, January 8, 2024

 Ezekiel 8-11  These chapters report a vision given to Ezekiel as he sat in his house with the elders of Judah... while in exile.  He was taken.. as the Spirit of God lifted him up by his hair.. and brought to Jerusalem.  There, God showed Ezekiel the extent of the "abominations" that Israel was committing.  They had an "idol of jealousy" at the gate of Jerusalem.. they had rooms engraved with "every form of creeping things and beasts and detestable things.." carved on the walls of the court.  They were offering sacred incense to the idols in these rooms.  The women were crying over Tammuz, a Syrian god, at the gate of the Lord's house.  In the temple men were "prostrating themselves eastward toward the sun."  They were filling the city with violence and wickedness. In every way.. they had forsaken the God that made them, loved them, and had given them a way to true Life through His Word. 

As Ezekiel encountered this scene, his heart must have broken.  For God was removing Himself from His sanctuary.. the place where His Name was meant to be.. Only those who were marked.. those who sighed and groaned over the "abominations".. would be spared.  All others would be slain. 

Ezekiel watched as the glory of God departed the temple.. departed Jerusalem and  he cried out to the Lord.. "Alas, Lord God! Wilt Thou bring the remnant of Israel to a complete end?"

But, God did not leave Ezekiel without hope.. for He promised a restoration.. " I shall gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries among which you have been scattered, and I shall give you the land of Israel. And I shall give them one heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them. Then they will be My people and I shall be their God."

Father in heaven, once again I see how our world has followed the footsteps of ancient Israel.. setting up "idols".. worshiping detestable things.. bowing before the creation that You made.. but not bowing to You. Violence and wickedness continue to fill our cities and Your glory has departed from us..But, Lord, we weep with those who weep.. we sigh and groan at the abominations all around us.. we wonder.. like Ezekiel.. will You leave any remnant?  Oh Father, how thankful we are that Your promise is still true.. You bring restoration.. You change hearts.. from stone to flesh!  You bring people that are not Your people.. and make them Your own!  Hallelujah! We have a Savior who gathers the lost and broken.. Who came for us.. and will come again.. soon.. to take us to the place He is preparing for us.. where Your glory dwells and will never depart.. Thank You for this great salvation.. for forgiving our sins.. for cleansing us and making us whole again... for giving us Hope!  We bow only to You, Lord God. Be exalted in all of the earth...we pray...  In Jesus' name. amen. 

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