Tuesday, January 23, 2024

 Ezekiel 22 This chapter contains 3 messages with one theme.. the sins of Israel.  Verses 1-16 spell out the case against Israel..and Ezekiel is called to judge. 

First, Israel is to be judged because it is a "bloody city". And secondly, it is to be judged because of "her abominations."  They are judged and found "guilty by the blood which you have shed, and defiled by your idols."

"They have treated father and mother lightly.. the alien they have oppressed...the fatherless and the widow they have wronged.."  They "despised My holy things and profaned My sabbaths."  They slandered and committed "acts of lewdness".  They committed "abomination.. with [their] neighbor's wife.. [their] daughter-in-law.. sister.. "  They took bribes.. they charged interest.. they injured others.. "and you have forgotten Me.. "

The Lord spoke and acted.. to "consume" their "uncleanness".  Every judgement was meant to make them "know" that He is the Lord.

The second message is found in verses 17-22.  Here the Lord tells Israel that they have become "dross" to Him. The silver was refined by fire and the dross.. the bronze and tin and iron and lead..  was gathered, removed, and melted.  The people of God were going to experience the fire of God's wrath.. and melted in the midst of Jerusalem. 

The final message of this chapter is found in verses 23-31.  Here the Lord announces the sins of specific groups of people:

The prophets.. "devoured lives"; took "treasures"; and "made many widows." They also "whitewashed" the sins of others.. "seeing false visions and divining lies.." 

The priests.. did "violence to" the Law; "made no distinction between the holy and profane"; did not "teach the difference between the unclean and the clean" ; and did not even keep the sabbath. 

The princes.. acted like "wolves.. shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain."

The people.. "practiced oppression.. committed robbery.. wronged the poor and needy.. and oppressed the sojourner without justice."

The Lord tells Ezekiel that He looked for one man.. someone to "build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me."  But there was not one.. 

Oh how thankful we are that there is ONE! One who stands in the gap for us.. one who intercedes for us at the right hand of the Father!

We.. our nation.. our cities.. our world..  we look so much like ancient Israel.  There is still so much blood shed; so many idols.. so much that is lewd and profane.. and destructive. There are so many who oppress others; rob and devour and destroy.  The wrath of God will be poured out once more.. but until that Day.. may we.. the church.. the followers of Jesus Christ.. determine to "stand in the gap" for Him. 

Let us pray.. let us give.. let us go.. let us build up the Body.. the Temple of the Lord God, so that the lost can be found, the hopeless can find hope, and the oppressed can be freed! Let the Truth be shouted from the rooftops and flow throughout the land!

Father, do Your great work in us today! We need You. Fill us Spirit of God with Yourself that we might be faithful servants.. found obedient to the Word.. persevering in faith.. until that Day. Amen. 

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