Thursday, January 4, 2024

 Ezekiel 6  The Lord gives another message to Ezekiel.. to prophesy against the "mountains of Israel".  Every mountain, every hill, every ravine, every valley, every high place.. every green tree, every leafy oak... every single place where the people had worshiped idols.. would become desolate, for God would bring them to an end.   All of this so that the people.. His people would "know that I am the Lord"!

"Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations to which they are carried captive, how I have been hurt by their adulterous hearts which turned away from Me, and by their eyes, which played the harlot after their idols; and they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed for all their abominations." 

The Lord would do what He said.. He would send plague, sword, and famine.. and His people would know... "know that I am the Lord"..  Four times this statement is repeated.  This is the Lord's will and desire.. that His people KNOW who He is!  If they do not know Him in peace and prosperity.. then they will know Him in desolation.  Everything else.. everything that they trusted and worshiped and lusted after..would be "blotted out". 

We must learn from this message and the aftermath of Jerusalem's fall.  God will do what He says.. and in the end.. we will all know that He is the Lord!  Everything that we trust.. outside of God Himself.. is empty and will come to an end.   As our Lord Jesus taught, "Everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act upon them, will be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against the house; and it fell, and great was its fall." 

Only when we know that Jesus is Lord of all.. that our God and Father holds our lives in His hands.. that we are His and that He will not allow His glory to go to any false idol.. only when we hear His Words and act on them.. will our house.. our lives stand, through the storms, through the floods, through the winds.  

Father, You are speaking to us again, as You did to Ezekiel.. for Your Word is a Living Word.  Your desire is that we know You.. that You are the Lord.. Jehovah.. the self-existent and Eternal God.. and there is no other!  To trust in anyone or anything else.. is foolish.. and will result in destruction and desolation.  O Lord..  open our eyes.. give us ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Word and to act on them.  May we worship and obey You and honor Your Name in all we do.. all we say.. in every part of our lives.  Come near to us as we see draw near to You through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Oh what a Savior! For He has made a way and brought us back to You.  Hallelujah  and amen!

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