Friday, January 19, 2024

 Ezekiel 18-20  The Lord makes it clear to Israel that He judges each and every person.. according to their individual conduct and character.  His judgements will be based on their "present" state.. not the good or bad that they did in the past.. but what they are doing now.  Life with the Lord needs to be a continual walk.. daily.. hourly.. step by step.  He desires for us to repent of all sins..and.. He does not hesitate to judge iniquities.   "For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, declares the Lord God. Therefore repent and live." 

Chapter 19 is a lament for the nation of Israel.. revealing that they cannot be the great nation that they were meant to be.. without the power of God in them.  This is made clear also in chapter 20.  When the elders came to Ezekiel to "inquire of the Lord".. He refused to speak to them any longer.  Their hearts were still not yielded.. they were still not rid of their idols.. they were still not listening to His voice.  Their rebellion was still like that of those who had been in the wilderness of those who had first entered the promised land...failing to leave the old ways behind... failing to truly repent and turn back to Him with all their hearts.

Rebellion.. refusal to obey God's word.. refusal to honor His Name.. rejecting His ways.. will bring about the same thing that Israel experienced.. exile from God's Kingdom.. absence of God's Presence.. and the reality of His wrath. God makes it clear that we must  draw near to Him.. listen to Him.. seek Him.. and come to know that He is the Lord.. the Sovereign King.. the Creator and the Ruler.  He desires for us to be in the right relationship with Him.. based on His will.. not on our own selfish motives. Israel learned that in exile. They still need to learn it in this generation. 

Father in heaven, teach us to walk in Your Spirit.. that we continually and diligently draw near to You, that we love You with ALL of our hearts and souls and minds... that we hallow Your Name and desire Your will.. that we seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness.  Father, thank You for the salvation that we have in Christ Jesus, who came to seek us and find us and restore us. We cannot live in any other strength.. only in the power of Jesus Christ who lives in us. He is the Hope of glory. Hallelujah! Amen. 

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