Tuesday, January 9, 2024

 Ezekiel 12  Ezekiel is given a series of instructions.. 

First, he was to act out the exile of the king of Israel.. he was to pack up all he had as if he was just now going into exile.  He was to dig a hole through the wall and then leave through that hole during the night.  He was to cover his eyes and load his baggage on his shoulders.  All of this would happen to Zedikiah.. he would go into exile from Jerusalem, he would carry his baggage, and he would be blinded. 

Next, Ezekiel was told to "eat [his] bread with trembling, and drink [his] water with quivering and anxiety".. ( v18).  This was a picture of what would happen to the inhabitants of Jerusalem because of the violence they committed and the desolation that was coming. 

Thirdly, Ezekiel was told that God was going to change the way that people perceived His Words.. up until this point they didn't concern themselves with the prophecies, because they thought that it would not happen for a long time. But, now God said, "For I the Lord shall speak and whatever word I speak shall be performed. It will no longer be delayed... "  

All that God did.. He did to make the people see that it was their own rebelliousness that they needed to understand.  Everything happened.. and the rest would happen just as He said.. so that they would know that He IS the LORD!

We need to hear what the Lord is saying to us today.. perhaps we too have felt like the Words of God.. the prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled.. are "far off".  Perhaps that has made us less urgent about the work He calls us to do.. preaching the Gospel to those who are of the same attitude as Israel.. rebellious and wicked.  We say we are waiting for the day of Christ's return.. but are we really?  

Lord God, our heavenly Father, may we have ears to hear and eyes to see.. may we not be a rebellious people or a people without faith that what You have said.. You will do!  Sometimes, it does seem as if the time is drawing near for the return of our Lord.. and other times.. it seems as if He will never come in our lifetimes.. Help us to have the right perspective.. to trust and obey.. as we wait on You.. resting in Your grace and goodness. Renew in us that urgency to share the gospel with those who need to hear.  Send forth workers into the harvest fields as You patiently allow more of Your children to be born again into Your great Kingdom.  Thank You for the Word and for Your Spirit who opens eyes and ears.  We are seeking You, Lord.  Fill us today. Amen. 

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