Wednesday, January 24, 2024

 Ezekiel 23  This message compares Samaria ( Israel) and Jerusalem ( Judah) to two sisters.. both of whom belonged to the Lord.. and both  of whom turned to other nations... other men.. other gods.. and played the harlot. The Lord sees everything and nothing is hidden from Him.  He sees the degradation, the abominations, the lust and the violence.  He knows the heart of mankind and sees the darkness and evil. 

The Lord judged Israel and Judah.. He used the very people that they had turned to and lusted after.. and they bore the penalty of their sins.

This chapter is very graphic in its description of the sins of Israel. It is heartbreaking.. for even now there is much sin that fills the hearts of God's people.. not just in Israel, but all over the world. We hear of those who live the same kinds of lives.. lust and greed..adultery and idolatry. Sacrifice of children to the idol of abortion.. profaning all that is sacred and holy. 

The Lord is still warning us.. reminding us.. that we belong to Him and that He will not allow these sins to go unpunished. He will do what He has to do so that we will know that He is the Lord God. Many will perish in their sins... 

Father in heaven, our prayers continue to be.. let Your Kingdom come.. may hearts be broken over sin and evil, let ears be open to hear the Good News of Jesus who came to rescue us from this dominion of darkness and to bring us into His Kingdom.  Let the Word of the Lord be proclaimed that more people will turn to Jesus.  Fill Your church with Your Spirit, Lord God.. and give us boldness to preach the gospel wherever we go.  In Jesus' name we pray, amen. 

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