Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 Ezekiel 25-26  The Lord gives Ezekiel a series of prophecies regarding those nations that had scorned Israel and Judah. Because they rejoiced over the downfall of God's people, they would face His judgement and discipline.  Each of these nations would be removed.. Ammon, Moab, Edom,  Philistia, and Tyre.. would be forgotten among the nations.. and they would  know that the Lord is God alone. 

God disciplined His own people because of their sinfulness.. but.. He did not desire for these other nations to scorn and abuse them. The consequences were devastating. 

In chapter 27 Ezekiel is told to "take up a lament over Tyre.." Verses 1-25 describe Tyre as a great ship.. a beautiful, powerful city.. actually an island,  with every kind of wealth.. an abundance of everything you can think of.  They did business with every nation.. buying and selling everything from precious jewels to war horses.. from lambs and goats.. to garments of blue and embroidered works and carpets..  Verse 25 says, ".. and you were filled and were very glorious in the heart of the seas."

But.. The Lord said to Tyre, " Your wealth, your wares, your merchandise, your sailors and your pilots, your repairers of seams, your dealers in merchandise, and all your men of war who are in you, with all your company that is in your midst, will fall into the heart of the seas on the day of your overthrow." (verse 27)

All the wealth in the world will not save a nation.. or a soul.. "You have become terrified, and your will be no more."  Nebuchadnezzar attacked and destroyed the Old Tyre.. situated on the mainland.. and laid siege to the "newer" part of the city.. on the island.  However, it was Alexander the Great who eventually brought Tyre down.  All that Ezekiel prophesied was completed in God's time. 

What can we learn from this passage? God will make His name known.. in every nation.. one way or another.  Those nations that refuse to come to Him, will be in the same situation as Tyre.  Also, the relationship that each nation has with Israel is very, very important.  Thankful that our nation supports Israel at this time.. but.. we also know that our nation is filled with the kinds of wealth and pride that will bring about God's discipline in His timing.. 

Father, there is no God like You.. Who knows the heart of every nation and  of every person.  You see the pride and darkness in the heart of our nation.. and we pray that You will hear our prayers of intercession.. that Your Word would once again be heard in America and that hearts would be brought to repentance before You. We pray for the nation of Israel... that they would return to the One True God and find their rest and hope in You. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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