Wednesday, January 3, 2024

 Ezekiel 5  Here is a stark, frightening, and heart-breaking picture of God unfurling His wrath upon the rebels.. The nation that was "set.. at the center of the nations.. " that was given God's  statutes and ordinances.. who had every opportunity to be the greatest nation.. walked away from their God.  In His zeal and wrath.. He would pour out on them "judgements.. in the sight of the nations." 

Israel had disregarded God's commandments. They had put detestable idols in His sanctuary.  They committed every kind of wickedness in defiance of His holy Word.  The Lord told them, " I will also withdraw, and My eye shall have no pity and I will not spare." 

One third of the people would die of plague or famine so severe that men would eat their children... .  One third would die by the sword.  And, one third would be scattered "to every wind".  Every man, woman, and child would suffer because of the sins of Israel and Judah.  God declared, " I, the Lord, have spoken." 

What is God speaking to us today? Our nation has had great freedom and privilege.  Yet, wickedness is taking over our cities and states.  Sin is on every street corner and flows through the airways.  God's wrath will once again be poured out.. and this time on the whole earth. 

But... Jesus took upon Himself our sins and those of us who put their faith in Him are given "rivers of living water".. flowing from our hearts.  Living water that brings hope to the dying, help to the suffering, and love to those who know none. May we realized the truth of God's provision for us.. an endless fountain of His grace and mercy.. and through His Spirit may Life flow to those in our city and nation who are headed to eternal judgement.. far worse than even what Israel and Judah faced in the days of Ezekiel. 

Father, move in us. Have Your way in us. Flow through us. Help us to faithfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world of lost sinners for whom He was slain. Amen. 

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