Monday, January 15, 2024

 Ezekiel 14:12-23  Again God spoke to Ezekiel about the judgements that He has poured out on nations.. including famine, the sword, wild beasts, and plague.   His message this time explains that even the most righteous men known.. "Noah, Daniel, and Job".. would be unable to stop these judgements from happening.. they could only save themselves. They could not even save their own families.. "They would deliver only themselves by their righteousness." 

Every single person who survived the destruction of Jerusalem.. those who would be the last of the people exiled into Babylon.. would be judged according to their own "conduct and actions".  From this time on.. God would hold the individual responsible for his or her own life...of righteousness or of wickedness.  Evil actions can not be blamed on the society, the leadership, the religious system, or the family.  We are each responsible for our selves.. our choices.. our faith.. or lack of.. 

We are aware that the judgements to come.. according to the book of Revelations.. will also include the four that Ezekiel wrote about.. there will be famine, wars, plagues, and even the wild beasts... far worse than what happened before.  We are also aware that there is a coming judgement seat.. and we will each stand before Him and give an account of our actions.  God will not hesitate to hold us responsible for our sinfulness.. but.. O Praise God.. He will take into account the blood that Jesus shed for us on the cross.. if we have received Him as Lord and Savior!

Father in heaven, thank You for the cross.. for our Savior has delivered us!  He has set us free from sin and death.  He has covered our sins and made us whole.  We praise You for such a great and wonderful gift.. for it is by grace that we are faith.. Thank You Jesus! Amen!

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