Wednesday, January 10, 2024

 Ezekiel 13  Ezekiel is told to "prophesy against the prophets of Israel"..  The Lord condemned the false prophets because they spoke from their own imaginations and claimed they were speaking for Him. "Woe to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit and have seen nothing." 

The false prophets were like wild foxes or jackals... they walked around Israel like they owned the place and did nothing to help restore the moral foundations. Their lies were the cause of Israel's ruin. They did nothing to build a wall of protection around the people. They proclaimed "Peace! when there is no peace."  They were covering over weak walls with "whitewash".. hiding the flaws.. the sinfulness of Israel.. and those walls would not stand when the storms came. 

Likewise, the prophetesses of Israel were also speaking from their own imaginations. They went even further away from God's truth.. making "magic bands".. amulets from good luck.. or for bad. People died that should not have died.. some lived who should not have lived. They "disheartened the righteous with falsehood.. but encouraged the wicked not to turn from his wicked way and preserve his life." 

God's judgement on these men and women.. who should have been preserving the Truth and restoring the people to God's ways.. but were actually contributing to moral failure and degradation.. would be severe. The prophets would be removed from their positions among the council of Israel. They would never again enter Israel, and their names would no longer be written in the "register of the house of Israel."  The prophetesses would no longer receive any kinds of visions and have no power over people as they had before. 

And.. all of this again.. was for one purpose.. "Thus you will know that I am the Lord." 

How does this passage speak to us? Those of us who have been given the Word of God.. are given a great responsibility.  We are told over and over in the Word, to speak the Truth. We have been given the Spirit of God and need to diligently keep filled with Him.. walking in the Spirit and in Truth. We are also reminded to examine ourselves, to test ourselves, to surrender everything to Him who is the Truth.. that we might do the works that He has prepared for us to do.

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name in all the earth!  Forgive us for every trespass, every word that comes forth that is not from You. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and lead us in Your paths.. to do Your will. Lead us away from temptations.. especially the temptation to speak from our own imaginations or inspirations. Speak to us from Your Word, by  Your Spirit and deliver us from all evil. We want to be Your good and faithful servants, Lord...  Speaking the Truth that will encourage righteousness and warn those who are straying from the Truth. Do Your work in us and through us today, the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King..and for His glory!  Amen. 

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