Thursday, December 21, 2023

 II Corinthians 9 Paul did not want the church in Corinth to be embarrassed or to embarrass him by not being prepared with the promised gift.. "a bountiful gift".  He reminds them of this principle, "he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.." 

Paul teaches us some more truths about giving.. 

v7  We are to purpose in our hearts what to give.. "not grudgingly or under compulsion."  We have a God who loves it when we give cheerfully!

v8 We have a God who "is able to make all grace abound" to us.. that we will have sufficient and will be able to help others out of our "abundance ". 

v10  We have a God who Himself has supplied "seed for the sower and bread for food..."  He is the One who will "supply and multiply  [our] seed for sowing and increase the harvest of [our] righteousness." 

v11  When we give.. we are the ones "enriched in everything for all liberality which through us is producing thanksgiving to God." 

v12 God is glorified by the gracious act of giving liberally. 

v15 "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 

Father in heaven, all we have been given is from Your Hands and we are so thankful. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to give liberally out of the abundance that You have supplied. I am mindful that we have, here in this country, so much.. having seen the great need in other countries in Africa and other places. May we give liberally.. cheerfully.. bountifully. Multiply the gifts that we are able to offer.. whether little or much.. that others would know Your grace that abounds and give You thanks. Be glorified Lord Jesus! Amen. 

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