Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 II Corinthians 12  Paul talks about the highest and the lowest places in his spiritual walk. The highest point being a vision or experience that was beyond his understanding.. for he didn't know whether it was a physical or spiritual visit in "Paradise".  What he did know was that he heard "inexpressible words which a man is not permitted to speak."  

In contrast, Paul's lowest point was "a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet him"... which he felt was allowed by God to keep him "from exalting" himself.  Paul prayed for deliverance from this "thorn", but received only the marvelous words.. " My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." 

This is the amazing thing about our God, isn't it, that He does even more in us at our lowest points than at our highest!  Paul testifies, " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me." 

It is the example, not only of Paul's testimony, but of the Lord Jesus too.  As we have been reminded so often this Christmas season.. Jesus "emptied Himself"... stepped down from His heavenly throne.. and became a man.. born in a stable.. the most humble of births.. Then He came to "His own".. and they did not see Who He was.. but rejected Him, accused Him, abused Him.. and nailed Him to a cross.  It was at His "weakest" point that He was most powerful.. conquering sin, death, and hell!

Paul's experiences of "insults.. distresses.. persecutions.. difficulties.. for Christ's sake.." revealed the power of Christ in him.. "for when I am weak, then I am strong." 

Paul would not come to the church in Corinth as others had come.. he would not come as one in a powerful position.. even though he could have.. as "a true apostle".  But, he would come as a father who felt "responsible" for his children.  He wanted to build them up... he wanted to find them faithful to Jesus.  He was afraid to find "strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances.. impurity, immorality.. and sensuality." ( v20-21)  He would come to them.. in hope that the words that he had written to them would bring the sinners to repentance and the church to completion in Christ. 

Father, we confess our weaknesses and rejoice in Your all sufficient grace. May the power of Christ be found in us.. for we so desire to be found faithful and true.. made righteous in Him.  We pray that we will be built up.. together in our churches.. so that in times of trouble and distress.. the power of Christ will all that will be seen.  Oh Lord, may we be sincere in faith, repenting of those things that cause strife and tempers.. slander or gossip. May we keep filled with Your Spirit, walking in matter if we are experiencing the mountaintops or the valleys in this life. Jesus, we are Yours.. have Your way in us we pray.. Amen. 

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