Wednesday, December 6, 2023

 Lamatations 4-5 ".. for the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom.. " Think about that.. 

What sin is He talking about?  Rebellion. Unbelief. Idolatry. Shedding innocent blood. These sins.. that are the same ones filling our country today.. brought about destruction of a nation.. a nation that belonged to the Lord, the Almighty God and Creator.  "The Lord has accomplished His wrath, He has poured out His fierce anger." (v11)

Jeremiah gives us a heart-breaking description of Israel.. of starving babies.. of mothers who "boiled their own children".. of "skin.. shriveled on their bones.. " .. of complete desolation and reproach upon a once chosen nation.. "The joy of our hearts has ceased; our dancing has been turned into mourning. The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned! Because of this our heart is faint; Because of these things our eyes are dim;"

Father in heaven, You rule forever! Your throne is from generation to generation.  You will not forget Your people forever.. for You have promised to restore them.. when they return to You.  May they do so now, Lord God.. in another season of desolation, destruction, and punishment.. may Israel turn back to their God.. confessing and repenting from their sins. May we also return to You Father.. recognizing the sinfulness of our own nation.  Bring repentance and salvation to us once again.. as we celebrate this season of Christmas..reveal Jesus to the nations.. May His kingdom come..  and may He reign forevermore! Amen. 

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