Monday, December 18, 2023

 II Corinthians 6:11-18  Paul exhorts his readers to first of all, open their hearts to him and his fellow workers as they have opened their hearts to them..   Do we do this?  Do we know the love and concern and grief of those who lead us in our churches?  Do we open our hearts to them?  Perhaps there are times when we know that kind of deep fellowship and "oneness" with our brothers and sisters in Christ.. and perhaps there are times when either we.. or they.. hold back, for whatever reason.  Either way this is something that we should pray for in the church... for a unrestrained affection.. within the fellowship of believers where God has placed us. 

Secondly, Paul exhorts us to "not be bound together with unbelievers".. Do not be "yoked" together is the older translation... coupled or obligated to... Picture an old balance, with a pair of scales bound together with one connecting beam.. that is the yoke.  When we want to be the same "weight".. the same as an unbeliever in worth.. in unity.. then we will take on the same characteristics of lawlessness and darkness. 

We are called instead to be righteous and light.. We can not have harmony with the world and harmony with our Lord at the same time.  We make a choice.. 

"For we are the temple of the living God;"  We are called to  "come out.. and be separate" .. We have a greater Yoke.. a greater connection to the Father.. as His sons and daughters.. connected by Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Father in heaven, thank You for Jesus Christ the Lord who became sin..."on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."  We want no other yoke.. to be bound to no other person or thing, but to be united fully with You in Christ.  Help us Holy Spirit to be filled with Your Presence as the Temple of old was so filled that none could even enter.. we are the temple of the living God!Be exalted in us we pray.. Hallelujah! and Amen!

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