Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 II Corinthians 4  Paul had noted the transformation of the believers in Galatia.. that Christ was manifested in them.. showing that his ministry was not in vain.. but that the Spirit had given them life in Christ and was continually moving in their lives.. from"glory to glory".. as they were being transformed into the image of the Son.  It is for this reason that he proclaims.. " .. we do not lose heart". 

Paul has carefully preached the Truth of the gospel..without "craftiness or adulterating the word of God.. " Those who still could not understand the plain teaching of the gospel.. being "veiled" as it were.. were those who were "perishing".. because the "god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." 

What an important verse!  May this be our prayer.. that God would give sight to the blind.. that they might see the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ!  

Like Paul, may we only preach Jesus Christ as Lord! May we pray for the God who spoke light out of darkness.. to shine in our hearts.. "to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." And that His light would shine ever brighter as our lives are transformed into His image. 

Paul says that we carry this great treasure... this wonderful truth of the gospel that Jesus the Light of the World has come.. in "earthen vessels".   We are weak that His strength may be seen.  We are poor so that His riches will be made known.. we may be, like Paul, "afflicted.. perplexed..persecuted.. struck down.." and even "delivered over to death".  But, because of the treasure within us.. "we do not lose heart"!"   We are not "crushed.. despairing.. forsaken.. or destroyed... "  but by faith.. we proclaim, "He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus... "  

Yes, as we all can testify.. "our outer man is decaying.. " but thanks to the Lord.. "our inner man is being renewed day by day"!  How thankful we are that this life.. with all its struggles.. these "light afflictions" are "producing for us and eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison."  Hallelujah!

Father, our prayer is for the Light of the World to be manifested in us. We also  pray for those who are blinded by this world and by satan..  that You would open the eyes of their hearts that they might see Jesus . We pray for lives to be saved, transformed from darkness to light... from death to life.. from sinner to forgiven and cleansed children of God. Father, fill us with the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that He will be made known through our lives.. even though we are weak and afflicted and struggling.  We are earthen vessels.. and You are the great treasure within us!  Be exalted in us today we pray.. with thanksgiving for Your wonderful grace and love.. amen. 

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