Friday, December 15, 2023

 II Corinthians 6  Paul was "an ambassador for  Christ".. He wanted all those he ministered to.. to be "reconciled with God"... changed.. restored in relationship with God.   He was not doing the work of ministry on his own but "working together with Him.. " he urged the believers to receive the grace of God, fully and completely.. not "in vain"... not empty promises but in the fullness of Christ Jesus.

Paul did not want to cause "offense".. but he did want to exhibit himself only as a servant of God.." in everything."  In everything includes:

" .. in much endurance,
 in afflictions,
 in hardships,
in distresses,
in beatings,
in imprisonments,
in tumults,
in labors,
in sleeplessness,
in hunger,
in purity
in knowledge,
in patience,
in kindness,
in the Holy Spirit,
in genuine love,
in the word of truth,
in the power of God,
by the weapons of righteousness...
by glory and dishonor,
by evil report and good report,
regarded as deceivers, yet true;
unknown yet well-known,
dying, yet behold we live; 
as punished yet not put to death,
as sorrowful yet always rejoicing,
as poor yet making many rich,
as having nothing yet possessing all things." ( Verses 4-10)

Which of these things describe your situation today? I can name several.. and so I pray:

Father in heaven, I ask that I will be seen as Your servant in "everything".. in every hardship.. in every labor.. in sleepless nights and in times of bad reports and good ones too.  Father, let Jesus be made known in my life.. by Your power.. in the word of truth.. according to Your will and purposes.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

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