Thursday, December 7, 2023

 I Corinthians 1 "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."   Yes, this is what we need this day, Father..  Your all- sufficient grace.. Your peace, that passes all our understanding.  We are indeed blessed with the comfort that You have provided.. "abundant through Christ". Thank You!

Father, may we share Your comfort with those who are suffering today.  May we have grace to reach out to those who are "despairing even of life".  What great truth we find here.. ".. that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead."   You are our God, great in every way.. and You hold life and death in Your hands.. no peril can befall us.. no illness can defeat us.. no enemy can destroy us.. because ultimately we are delivered by Your abundant grace and kept in You abundant peace! Hallelujah!

Father, "we have set our hope" on You!  May our prayers join other.. giving help to those in need.. bringing others to set their hope on You.. on Jesus, the one who is "yes and amen"!  Thank You for the many promises You have given us in Christ. Thank You for establishing us in Christ and anointing us with Your Spirit.. given to us in our hearts... "as a pledge".. 

Father, we are thankful for Your Word that brings us comfort and peace, that reveals Your grace and truth. Thank You for the Spirit who abides in our hearts and fills us with Your Presence. Help us to stand firm in faith, setting our hope on You. Guide our steps, our choices, our thoughts, and even our feelings today.. for the glory of God and the praise of Jesus Christ our King. amen. 

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