Friday, December 29, 2023

 Ezekiel 1-2  The prophet, Ezekiel, had been taken into exile to Babylon.  It was there, by a river, that he received his "calling" as God's prophet.. a dramatic and unusual call, for sure. 

Ezekiel tells us that after 5 years of exile he had a vision.  In this vision, he saw "the heavens" open up before him. The first thing he describes is the great lights.. fire flashing, glowing figures, bright lights.. and more fire.  Then, in the midst of this light and fire, he sees the four "living beings".  Ezekiel describes these beings in great detail.. unlike anything we have ever seen.. but similar to what Isaiah and Daniel had once witnessed.. and like John saw on the island of Patmos.

What Ezekiel sees next is what is even more amazing, for he sees the crystal sea and the throne above it.. and the glorious appearance of the Lord.. "Then I noticed.. there was a radiance around Him..."  At this vision, Ezekiel falls on his face in worship. 

The Lord speaks to Ezekiel, calling him "the son of man" and fills him with the Spirit. "Then He said to me, 'Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people, who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day.' " 

Ezekiel is given a mission to speak to the "stubborn and obstinate" people.  He needed to know that his mission did not depend on whether or not the people listened.. but whether or not he spoke what God gave him to speak. "But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not." 

Ezekiel was given God's words in a most unusual way.. he was given a scroll and commanded to open his mouth and eat it. We are told that the scroll was "written on the front and back; and written on it were lamentations, mourning, and woe." 

Father, what do You want to say to me... to us.. today through this Word?   I hear You reminding us of Your greatness.. far above what we know or can even imagine.. of how utterly transcendent and holy You are.. and yet, You willingly interact with us.. calling us to be Your people and to share Your message.  I also hear You telling us that we must speak what You give us.. Your words of Life.. even to those who are rebellious and stubborn.. and who may or may not listen.  I hear You say, that the words that we share are not all happiness and joy.. but "laminations and mourning and woe... " May we grasp what You are telling us through Your word today.. Your overwhelming greatness.. Your commission to speak the word You give us.. and Your command to speak to those who may not listen because of their rebellious and stubborn hearts.  Come and fill us Spirit of the Living God.. and use us to share the words of life.. without fear, without hesitation, and with full obedience.  We pray this in the Name of our radiant and powerful Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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